| Chapter Ten | Unholy Conjuring Magic

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"A non-magic user..why protect a that, Seto?" A dark mage asks Seto. Seto looks at each of the dark mages.

"You are not allowed here, Veronica Fritz." Seto said. Veronica Fritz is a tall and thin woman with a black robe that hides her identity well and has black boots with long brown hair with brown eyes. Veronica smiles slightly.

"Nice to know someone recognizes me." She said. Inside the tower, the apprentices heard the hit and there are masters and apprentices outside.

"Veronica, I'm warning you. If you start a fight here, you are outnumbered." Seto said. Veronica shifts in her spot, her hand lifts up beside her head.

"That may be true." She said. Her hand glows a dark green aura along with her eyes.  "But Dark Mages are more powerful than the Light Mages. Which is why I'm giving you a chance, Seto—"

"For what?" Seto snapped.

"To join the winning side. This war between Light and Dark mages has been going on for two months now. Aaron would like to give you the chance Seto, and also Master Waglington of course." Veronica said. Chara looks over at Wag who is standing by his brothers. Wag is a tall, skinny guy. He has a dark grey ashen robe that reaches his calves with a dark red lining and is ripped up at the bottom, brown hair, blood red tear tattoos on his face, grey boots, darkly tanned skin with brown hair and red eyes. Wag walks up a little, to see Veronica.

"Can I ask why Aaron is interested in us?" Wag asks. Veronica crosses her arms at him.

"James, Seto. Let's face facts here, losing you two would cripple the Conical. Which is why even if you two won't come willingly, we'll be forced to take you two out." Veronica said.

"Yeah right." Tom said. Tom is one of Wag's brothers. Seto feels a brush of wind hit him, he looks to the right of him, seeing nothing. But his shoulder suddenly gets grabbed as a person appears beside him.

"Seto!" Seto hears Chara yell. Teeth sink into Seto's neck as the person behind him bites into him and pulls Seto's arms back. Seto gasps as his eyes widen. Veronica runs pass him as he hears a commotion behind him, but he feels like all his senses suddenly go and he feels like his heart is behind ripped out of his chest. Brice tries to help Seto, but he gets pushed back. Brice sits up, he looks at Seto. The person detaches from Seto's neck, they lick where he bit into Seto.

"Hmm..your mana tastes good." They person whispered into Seto's ear.

"Get away from him!" Brice screams as he tackles the person off Seto. Seto stood still, a blank expression on his face. His skin suddenly pales, blood trails down from mouth and drips from his nose. Chara runs over to Seto. She gasps.

"O my god. Seto..Seto..Tell me what—" Chara grabs Seto as he collapses into her, they go to their knees, Chara holding Seto up. "No. No. Seto!" Brice grabs the dark mage who bit Seto and pushes him into the ground.

"What did you do to him?!" Brice demanded. The mage laughs. Brice watches him lick blood off his teeth.

"I stole all of Seto's mana, and it is very dangerous for mage to lose all of it at once." He said. Chara was about to was to call Waglington for help, but she saw him laying on the ground as well. Veronica looks over at Chara. She walks over to her. Chara moves between Seto and Veronica.

"That's..That's Unholy Conjuring Magic, Life Stealing Magic. That's forbidden!" Chara said. Veronica rolls her eyes. She grabs her and puts her fingers on Chara's forehead. Brice gets up. Veronica mumbles the spell as Brice ran towards them.

"Chara!" Brice yelled. Brice watches a dark mage put Seto over their shoulder and Chara hits the ground, unconscious. Brice tries to grab Veronica, but he falls right through her. She laughs.

"That was cute." She said. Brice looks at Seto.

"Put him down, now." Brice said. Veronica rolls her eyes. The dark mage carrying Seto walks away from them. Brice's hands turn into fists. "Give him back!" Brice was about to run after him, but Veronica hit him with a spell making him fall over within seconds. Brice coughs, his vision blurs as he watches Veronica walk over him. "N-No..Se-to." Brice passes out.

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