Resignation Part 2

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Felicity had not been looking forward to this. She knew that Oliver and Diggle would want to know what Sam had told her but she didn’t want to break whatever trust he seemed to feel towards her. She cleared the table and walked towards the media room, which was on the complete opposite end of the house from the bedrooms. She wanted to have this conversation as far away from Sam as possible. The two men got the hint and followed her.

They got to the room and shut the door. Felicity sat behind her monitors, hoping the familiarity of that spot would give her some clarity. Oliver and Diggle sat down and waited, patient as stones. She hated that, when they knew she had to talk and wouldn’t give her an easy out.

“Guys, look … I don’t know what I should tell you. Sam opened up a lot to me, he told me things I don’t think he had ever told anyone else. Feelings that he probably had never admitted to himself that he had. He had a serious breakdown. There was so much that he was carrying, it all just had to come out. I, well I feel awkward repeating it. Like I’m spying on him.”

Oliver hadn’t counted on that, although he should have thought about it. To be honest he hadn’t thought Sam would open up that much so soon. He looked at Diggle who just shot his “See, you’re an idiot.” look at Oliver. Oliver sighed. “Ok Dig, I admit I am dense when it comes to certain things.”

“What things?” Felicity asked.

“I’ll tell you later,” Oliver replied. “You don’t have to go into details and I’m not expecting you to spy on him for us. Honestly, I didn’t expect him open up so soon to anyone. I’m sure it helped him though. If you can just give us a rough idea of how he’s doing. That will be fine.”

“Oliver, you know I’m horrible at that.” She said in an exasperated tone. “Fine, I’ll try but I’m making you set up all the computers next time you make me relocate in exchange. It’s time you tried to do something you’re not good at for once.

“Deal.” Oliver agreed. She was getting spunkier these days.

“Ok. This is what happened in general terms. I woke up and he was already up and making strawberry waffles. Which were amazing by the way. He should go to culinary school, at least he already knows how to handle knives.” She stopped and winced “Ok that sounded bad.” She shook her head and continued. “ He started talking about Jessica and how he had begged her to teach him how to cook, that’s how they started dating. I asked him what his favorite dish to cook was and he mentioned that steak pot pie we just had. After that he went outside for a walk, he said he needed to think. I watched him from here. He ended up on the dock. He got there and just collapsed on the ground and started getting really upset. I let him be for about an hour but I watched him the whole time. It looked like it was getting worse and worse and I didn’t think he should be alone so I took him some water and hot chocolate. I usually need one of those after I have a breakdown. When I got there I told him if he wanted space I’d leave him be but that I wanted him to know I was here if he wanted to talk. He begged me to stay and pretty much collapsed on me. That’s when he started talking.

Apparently he had some new insights on the relationship with his Dad and Dean and a lot of other stuff but he should tell you about all that not me. We were out there for awhile then he stopped talking. I told him that it was a good thing he had gotten all of that out. I said that all three of you carry way too much and that if you let it stay there too long you can become dangerous to everyone and it will destroy you. After the thing with the demons I started to understand more why you guys keep everything locked up so tight, it’s the only way you can function and not become something dark and twisted. Then I told him that I didn’t know what to say or do to help him but I could listen to him if nothing else. He said that he didn’t know how to fix himself either. We got back into the house, he seemed a lot happier and then we found the recipe on the internet, started cooking and you showed up. “ That was all she felt comfortable saying. She looked hard at both men so they would know it.

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