Rebuilding Injured Friends Part 1

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 Chapter 5 Rebuilding Injured Friends

The cab dropped Dig off at the motel. He saw the Impala looking forlorn in the gravel lot and whistled softly to himself as he looked at the damage Sam had caused. The receptionist came walking quickly out.

"Are you with that other guy? You have the keys to this right? If not I am calling the cops. The guy that was here last night threatened to beat the crap out of me if I let anything happen to this car." He blurted out.

Oliver must have decided to make an impression, he chuckled a little at the thought of Oliver threatening some poor unarmed motel night clerk. "Yes, I have the keys."

"Good. Glad this whole mess is over." The clerk said relieved and headed back to the little office.

Dig walked up to the driver's side, saw the smashed out window and shook his head. If Dean saw this he would beat the living crap out of Sam, he briefly thought about doing it for Dean. He unlocked the door, turned down the volume as warned and turned the key. Baby purred to life. "Oh man, this is one sweet ride." He was a little jealous of the brothers riding around in this car all the time. The gas gauge read half full, plenty for a longer route back to the hotel. He pulled out his phone and called Oliver.

"What's up Dig?"

"When is the plane going to be ready to go?" 

"Pilot said about two hours. Why?"

"I'm going to take the long way back. This baby needs some road time. I'll fill the tank up on my way back, be there in about forty five minutes," he was only ten minutes from the hotel.

"Dig...," Oliver chastised.

"It'll be fine trust me," he hung up the phone,  pulled out of the gravel lot and turned the radio on, "Highway to Hell" came on. "Ironic choice of song." 

Dean had maintained the Impala to perfection, the engine was smooth, she rode like a dream for a muscle car. He loved muscle cars, he and some friends back in the day used to restore them. He drove around the city for a bit enjoying the sound of the engine and the vibrations through the car. Modern cars didn't really purr like the old ones did. True to his word he pulled into the hotel parking lot about forty minutes later and regretfully turned off the engine. "Dean my friend, if Sam decides that he doesn't want to keep this car, I'll take good care of her for you. Don't worry about your Baby buddy, I got your back," he said as he took another look at the dusty Impala. Sam was cleaning this car up before they went anywhere that's for damn sure. He turned and headed back into the hotel and up to the rooms. He opened the door, Oliver had gotten some food delivered and Sam was still sleeping.

"Enjoy the drive?" Oliver asked.

"Oh yeah!" He said as put the keys on the table next to Sam's bed then grabbed some of the food Oliver had ordered. They went into the other room and shut the adjoining door. "He's recovering pretty fast."

"Physically anyway.," Oliver stated, "Where do we want him to stay? I don't think the mansion is the best option. I'd have to explain why I am hiding all the alcohol and at some point he would run into Mom and Thea. Which would be awkward to say the least. The penthouse suite would be too easy for him to access alcohol, I'm not going to hold his money hostage forever. I was thinking the cabin by the lake we own. It's out away from everything and quiet and I can make sure there is no alcohol within easy access. There's no houses or restaurants for several miles and I think we can trust he won't try to drive drunk, if he was he would have been doing that already."

'Who's going to stay with him? You can't be out there all the time and neither can I," Dig replied.

"Felicity could and we could go when we aren't busy. He might open up to her more and talk which I don't think he will do with us.She won't be able to watch us as but she can show you how she monitors me or you could just shadow me when I go out."

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