Motels and Mourning

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Back from The Brink - Book Two

Chapter 1 Motels and Mourning

Felicity was enjoying a little time at home. Oliver was out of town on some business for the clubs and Diggle was with him so she had decided to sleep in late and maybe do some clothes shopping. She had seen some new shoes that she wanted but she had nothing to wear with them and that had to change. She was just rolling out of bed around 11 in the morning, lounging in sweats when she got an alert on the main computer screen.

It was an alert from the offshore bank account Oliver had set up for Vigilante Ventures when Sam and Dean were in town. He had to apply a lot of pressure to set it up fast enough to get cards in one day. Once everything had calmed down after the demons Felicity and Oliver had finished setting things up the proper way. There were only 5 cards on the account, one each for Sam and Dean and the other three for her, Oliver and Diggle. She had set up alerts on Sam and Dean's cards after watching their spending habits for a few months. The alert was there to notify her of any changes. She figured Sam and Dean probably wouldn't call for help but watching how they spent their new found wealth would let her know when something was up. Diggle had told her about everything that had transpired at the warehouse fight after she had gotten him home that night. He had mentioned his concern about the demon referencing some sort of imminent demise for Dean so Felicity had decided to take some steps. She had also spent a great deal of time piecing together the lives of the Winchesters and she had passed that information on to Oliver and Diggle.

She had discovered about their mother's tragic death, how they had fallen off the radar after that. How the boys were never in the same school for more than a month tops; how they had traveled all across the country multiple times. Sam had somehow managed to maintain a straight A average and get a full ride scholarship to an Ivy League school through all of that. That had impressed all three of them immensely. She found out about the death of Jessica, how Sam had left school and that he and Dean had been traveling ever since. Usually under the most hideous of aliases that she had to attribute to Dean. She thought Sam would have had better taste or at least be more creative. All of this had confirmed Oliver and Diggle's initial impression of the men and had reinforced to Oliver that the brothers would never betray his trust. All this information had made Oliver feel even better that he had allowed Sam and Dean the chance to get a little peace and quiet and some luxury treatment in their lives. As the months passed though Oliver had thought less frequently of Sam and Dean, what with the constant new threats in his city and the business of running two clubs, or appearing to anyway. Felicity however had stayed concerned. She had had a feeling that Sam and Dean would be back in their lives at some point needing help. So when she saw the alert a cold shiver ran down her back.

Only one card was being used and it looked like they hadn't checked out of this particular hotel in a month, that alone was unusual. The Winchesters rarely stayed anywhere for more than a week. The hotel was located about 10 miles outside of Lawrence, Kansas, their hometown, that made Felicity sit up and take notice. She started scrolling through the purchase history of the last month, repeated transactions at the same liquor store and one or two fast food places. Lately the purchases had been mostly liquor store related. Unless they were paying cash it didn't look like they had bought food in the last week. Something was wrong, something was very, very wrong. She picked up the phone to call Oliver, hoping she wasn't too late.


Sam was pinned against a wall, Lillith opened the door breaking the line of dust that protected his brother. 'Sick'em boys. " she said in a giddy girlish voice. Dean started to scream, hideous pain filled screams and Sam couldn't help him. Over and over Dean screamed until blood started gushing from his chest. Sam woke up screaming, his throat sore from screaming. The people in the next room pounded on the wall, he ignored them and walked over the wreckage of half-eaten meals, empty cans and bottles to the mini fridge. He opened it and saw he was down to only a 12 pack of beer. That wouldn't last him the night, it was harder and harder to get drunk enough to sleep without dreaming. He grabbed the black credit card, stumbled to the liquor store and bought $100 worth of hard liquor. That would last him a couple of days. He walked back past the dust covered Impala to his room and started drinking.

Back from the Brink (Book 2 of Arrow/SPN Crossovers)Where stories live. Discover now