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Chapter 8 Resignation

Oliver took the bike up to the lake house. It was a fun ride and he hadn’t done it that often. He had packed some sweats and sparring gear into a bag that was across his back. He thought it might be worth seeing if Sam wanted to move a bit. He leaned hard into a hairpin corner enjoying an adrenaline rush that was not being caused by someone trying to kill him.

He hadn’t been up to the lake house in years. Before the shipwreck the house hadn’t really been his style, it was too quiet and removed from the club scene. After he got back he had had other things on his mind. Since he had told Diggle about it he had started thinking it might be a good place for him to come to more often and get away from the city. Even though his five years on the island had been hell , lately it had seemed to him that he was less alert and aware of things. When he was out patrolling it felt that he should be sensing more than he was. Admittedly he picked up on more things than the majority of the people in the city would but it wasn’t good enough. He also found himself missing nature, he got tired of walking on concrete, wearing shoes, being confined all the time. There were times when he just needed to get out away from all of that and run. The island had taught him to survive, but to do so he had to tap and shape the most primal side of his nature and it was getting tired of being caged.

He arrived at the house, pulled up next to Felicity’s car. The Impala should be here soon as well. Oliver wondered how Sam was going to take that. He walked into the house and called out “Sam? Felicity? Where you hiding in this labyrinth? “

“We’re in the kitchen.” He heard Felicity respond. He walked down the halls and was pleasantly surprised at what he found. Sam and Felicity were cooking. They had printed out a recipe and pinned it above the stove, Sam was dicing vegetables and throwing them into a pot, he smelled something delicious simmering from another pot. Felicity was mixing up a batch of dough, flour was scattered on the table around her.

“Wow, that smells awesome! What are you guys making?” Sam turned to look at him and Oliver was thrilled to see some life in his eyes again.

“Hey Oliver! I remembered an old recipe Jessica and I used to make, it’s steak pot pies. We had everything pretty much already here. The meat has to marinate. That’s what you’re smelling, the marinade I’m putting together. We’re just prepping everything else.” Sam said, an actual smile on his face.

“Please tell me there’s enough for a third person. I don’t think you’ll get me out of the house until I eat some of that.” Oliver’s stomach was already growling at the smells.

“Actually we thought we could invite Diggle up too. The meat will be ready in about four more hours or so and it takes about forty five minutes to cook after that. Felicity and I figured we could munch on some snacks before then. She wanted to make some spinach dip and toast up some sourdough bread. She was just getting ready to invite you guys when you showed up.”

“If we don’t invite him and he finds out about this he’d probably never talk to us again. I’ll text him. I can lend a hand too if you want.” Oliver took out his phone and and smiled to himself. This plan was working better than he had thought it would. He never expected to see Sam this stable, this soon. His text to Diggle was short “They’re cooking steak. Fight you for it .” He had barely put his phone down when his text ring went off, “You have no chance. OMW.” Oliver laughed.

“He’s on his way,“ he told the other two. Felicity smiled and went back to kneading dough. Oliver started helping Sam with the vegetables and watched the two of them. Sam was moving as if he had just had the weight of the world lifted off his shoulders but Felicity looked a bit tense. She seemed to be still trying to process information and adjust her worldview to it. How much had Sam opened up to her? They weren’t acting as if they had been flirting or were attracted to each other, but there was some sort of tension here.

“I guess it’s a good thing I told the staff to stock this place for a long term stay.”

“Yeah. I asked Dig if he knew how often your family had come up here. Did you guys use this place a lot when you were younger?” Sam asked.

“I wish I could say we had but this was a place my Mom had wanted, she liked the scenery and the area. When I was a kid we would come out here maybe four times a year. Dad preferred the boat. As I got older the place sort of lost it’s charm for me. Not enough loud music or cocktails. I threw one or two parties out here but they usually ended badly when drunk people decided to go swimming and forgot that the lake was deeper than five feet. Thea liked it for awhile but none of us Queens were the nature type. I was actually just thinking that I may start coming out here more. Five years in the wilderness you get used to trees and the smell of healthy air. It does seem like a waste that it just sits here empty all the time,” Oliver replied.

“Well if you ever want to relocate our office I’m ok with it being here. I wouldn’t have to pay my rent anymore.” Felicity said smirking at Oliver. “The commute would be perfect.”

“I’ll take that under consideration Ms. Smoak.” Oliver said in his CEO tone. They all laughed. They chatted a bit more about small things, Diggle showed up and mock tackled Oliver away from the food. As the afternoon and evening progressed Oliver watched Sam for signs of control issues. For the first few hours he did fine but as they sat down to eat he seemed more and more strained. He laughed less and less and sort of faded into the background of the conversations. Oliver knew in Sam’s mind he was feeling the disconnect of what his feelings were and what he was trying to make his feelings be.

“Damn! Great job you guys! This is the best steak pot pie I have ever had. Thanks for inviting me.” Diggle pushed his now empty plate back.

“Sam remembered the recipe. I’m glad he did that was a lot of fun,” Felicity replied.

“Thanks Dig. Hey guys, I’m kind of tired. I think I am going to go lay down.” Sam's voice sounded very strained. 

“No problem. Oliver and I can clean up since you guys did all the hard work.” Dig shot a warning look at Oliver. He had seen Oliver looking like he was about to get up and follow Sam.
“Yeah, sure. Get some rest.”

Sam took his plate to the kitchen and walked towards the bedrooms. Oliver and Diggle looked at Felicity.

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