Rage and Repercussions

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Chapter 11 Rage and Repercussions

Felicity walked back to her desk. She hadn’t told Sam but there was a tracker in the earpiece and he still had his in. She saw where he was going, it looked like he was stopping at a liquor store.  She may be mad at Oliver but he had to fix this. She texted Diggle the address where Sam was, Diggle texted back that they were coming to the Lake House first. Oliver had lost a lot of blood and he agreed with Oliver that Sam was not their main priority right now. Felicity didn’t bother to reply. They were both being idiots.

“Sam, don’t please,” she said.

Sam heard Felicity in his ear. His guardian angel. “Why not? I lost it. I gave into the rage.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“You don’t understand, I wanted to. It felt so good, someone else got to feel pain instead of me and people I love. Someone else got to scream themselves hoarse for once. I’m becoming more and more like them. More and more like a demon. Maybe Oliver should just kill me and get it over with. I’m a danger to everyone.” He knew, he just knew that it would happen again.

“Stop that right now!” Her voice crackled in his ear. “Oliver should have stopped you.”

Sam just laughed, a weak, bitter laugh. “ He couldn’t. If he had tried I would have knocked him out or shot him. He knew it too. He knew what I had become. He was half stunned by being thrown into a wall and stabbed with his own arrow. I was standing over the both of them fully armed. I wouldn’t have cared what he said. I just wanted to see the blood flow. The only person that could have stopped me is dead. Don’t be mad at him. He made the right choice. He can’t afford to lose control like I did tonight, it’s too hard to get it back. I am fine with him using me to get that information. Hell I volunteered to do it.” His voice was so empty.

“I’ll find a place to stay until the window comes in. I don’t deserve to be in that house anymore. Thank you all so much for trying to help me. I know you know my phone number, I’ll pick up the window and leave town.” Sam pulled out the earpiece. He had found some extra credit cards that he and Dean had stashed in the compartment. He had managed to clean the blood off his face and hands at a park bathroom that he had found that was still opened. His shirt was beyond help, there was an extra shirt in the car he changed into. He walked into the liquor store and bought about $50.00 of alcohol and drove off. He didn’t want to go to a motel or hotel yet. He just wanted to be left alone. He headed up the road to the Lake house and found a turn off about 4 miles from the house. He drove slowly down the gravel road and it stopped at another end of the lake. He got out of the car, sat on the hood and started drinking. Maybe he would just sleep out here tonight.

Diggle and Oliver drove past that turn out and headed to the house. Felicity hadn’t informed them as to where Sam was. If she had a car she would have already driven out there to talk to Sam but Oliver had her car still at the club. She was going to have a long, and to use Oliver’s phrasing , pointed conversation with both of them as soon as they got to the house. She heard the door open and stormed into the living room, she stopped when she saw Oliver. He was still covered in blood, the area around the shoulder wound was caked with blood and there was splatter from the soldier when Sam had shot him. Her words died on her lips. She walked over to him and helped him get his shirt off as Diggle got the first aid kit opened up. It was stuck to his shoulder from all the drying blood, she walked into the kitchen and got a bunch of towels wet with hot water, came back and started cleaning out the wound.

“I am still angry at you,” she said, “However, you said Sam was your responsibility now. So here’s the deal. You have said repeatedly that you owe me your life and in some ways your humanity. As soon as you get patched up you going to where he is and talk him out of wanting to die. You owe me at least that. He told me that you may as well kill him. I swear to you right now Oliver Queen that if Sam dies or is unable to recover from this I hold you fully responsible for that and you can find yourself a new guardian angel. I will not associate with people who throw friends away when it conveniences them. Understand? “ She heard Diggle catch his breath.

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