An Ending: Part 2

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It's two in the morning, I'm surviving on ice cream and cookies, let's do this!

Update: it's no longer two in the morning and I hate my night self for thinking this was a good idea. (I'm still grounded, but I'm cheating shhh)

I won't even edit this. Just...




I'm... So so so so so so sorry.


Please don't cry.

Actually, don't enjoy this.


Kuro was standing in front of him, while Feliciano and Luciano were to his left, and Ludwig and Lutz to his right. Everyone else was scattered behind him, and Viktor, the 2p Nordics as well as Leonas and Raimond were staring down Kuro and him.

"Well, this is a shocking turn of events." Kuro muttered, earn odd glances.

"K-kuro?" Oliver asked, waiting for the Japanese male to look at him, while Arthur shouted, "Kiku?!"

Kuro blushed darkly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Actually, it's both of us." He said simply.

"Wh-" Gilbert was cut off by a sudden movement, dodging out of the way of a knife that would have gone through his eye.

"You cheated! Merging isn't allowed, you'll kill us all!" Egil screamed, tears falling from his eye as he glared at them.

"You did it first. Plus, now it's even right? We know for a fact you used magic to make yourselves stronger."

"That's not true! Right big brother?" Egil wailed, looking towards Loki with a hopeful look.

Loki laughed, pulling the flamethrower off his back.

"Nope. What he said was completely true. But now that you know, I'll have to kill you. Bye!"

Gilbert caught the look of horror on Emil's face before everything went to hell.

Loki began blowing his torch everywhere, only to be blocked by a barrier Oliver put up in he last second, saving Kuro's poor butt.

Then, Kuro ran, a katana appearing in a sudden glimmer of light, before Bernard wiped the blood from his mouth and followed, swiping his axe in a wide arc.

Everything went from there. Arthur and Oliver's magic vs Loki's flamethrower and magic.

Alfred, Gilbert, Ludwig, and Lutz somehow ended up fighting Thurston.

Vash giggled he entire time as he went after Raimond, begin backed up by Roderich and Elizabeth, while Lili shot from the side lines, the world 2ps doing the exact same thing.

Ivan nervously followed Kuro's lead and helped him fight off Bernard, though he didn't seem to need help.

Leonas and Gillen dissapeared and reappeared in various places, trying to stop each other from interfering, while Gilbert fought Egil.

Emil, Mathias, Tino, and everyone else helped where they could.

They needed it.

Vash ducked out of the way of spiked chains, feeling them barely miss the top of his head. Red eyes met orange and green, and he suddenly gasped.

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