A Game

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You all so much for the support, I really appreciate it!

It was odd, seeing Mathias look so serious. He was usually so happy, always keeping a smile on his face.

But now, it was just a sad expression.

He regarded Oliver with caution at first, but when Emil explained what had happened he relaxed.

Finally, the rest of the 1ps arrived. Feliciano in the lead, holding Kiku and Ludwig's hands. Arthur holding hands with Alfred and Francis. Gilbert appeared Roderich and Elizabeta. Feliks came with Toris. Surprisingly, Lili showed up a while after as well. Ivan and Yao also came.

Oliver smiled warmly at Mathias, before gesturing to the large group of 1ps shattered around.

Mathias took a deep breath and attempted to crack a smile, though it came as a grimace.

"Well, after the world meeting Sverige and I heard this weird music thing and went to check it out. When we got there the room was completely empty other than a large mirror." The Dane explained.

Just like Kiku and Arthur. Alfred thought.

Closing his eyes, Mathias continued.

"Suddenly, Sverige got this weird look in his eyes, like a zoned out. He walked to the mirror and touched it, at the same time we heard a scream from down the hall. I turned and then everything had gone black."

Mathias looked slightly in pain, opening his bright blue eyes he looked back at Oliver.

"I woke up alone in a dungeon, chained to the wall. Thats all I'm going to tell you."

Emil went over once again and hugged Mathias, whispering something.

Alfred looked around the room. He had a pretty good idea of what happened while the Dane was there.

"Well, that's odd. Arthur, do you think your Sweden had been under a spell of some sort? Because there's no way ours could have gotten through the mirror without his 1ps permission." Oliver pondered.

Arthur nodded. "Yes, it is odd. Though, didn't Bernard mention a spy among us 1ps? Perhaps they switched placed with their 2p to complete the plan?"

Everyone tensed and looked around the room.

Oliver looked at Mathias. "Well, love, we will leave you to rest."

Oliver lead the 1ps out of the room and into the 2p Meeting room to discuss what was going on.

The table seemed to have gotten bigger, as the 2ps were sitting at the table as well.

Allen looked up as the 1ps walked in with Oliver, grinning.

Kiku sat in between Lutz and Allen, watching everyone take their seats.

"Hey, Kiku. After this wanna play some video games with me and Lutz?" Allen asked, slipping an arm around Kiku.

"Oh, um, Hai. But, um, prease do not touch me." Kiku said, pushing Allen's arm off.

Allen sighed leaning back in his chair, crossing his arms. Lutz had his head down on the table, snoring.

Alfred watched the exchange bitterly. Did Kiku like the 2ps more than them?

"Okay." Oliver stood from his chair to explain, rubbing his eyes.

"What is going on is-."

"Cut it out!" Matt suddenly snapped, glaring at Allen, who was next to him as well.

"I ain't doing anything!" Allen shouted back.

Matt growled, launching himself at Allen, who were now wrestling on the ground shouting insults.

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