An Old Friend

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A friend of mine sent me this and all I thought was , "Vash is friends with Arthur. This is going in my fanfiction."

Lili huffed as she brushed her hair and tied her ribbon in. She hadn't wanted to come out of her room until she could get her brother out, but after Hungary had come up and begged her to eat, she decided to get herself together.

So she smoothed out her dress and headed down the stairs. She had a feeling something was about to happen and it was usually correct.

The boy she had recently met looked up from watch ever had been on T.V. to smile at her.

"Eh? Your up!" He said, surprised. What was his name again?

"Yes, I am. Do you mind pointing me to where Mr. England is?" She asked with her sweet voice that to her and Switzerland, screamed 'I want something and I'm going to get it'.

"Uh, he's in the kitchen with China and his 2p."

Uh oh. Lili thought, instantly thanking the odd boy and rushing into the kitchen.

Arthur instantly looked up, his cheek covered in what she really hoped was supposed to be batter. Except it was greyish. And chunky.


Yao and Oliver smiled at her but didn't say anything. They were making something else.

"Oh, hello Lili. Is there something you need?" He asked, looking down at the small girl.

"Yes. You are good friends with my brother, right?"

Arthur looked surprised before a warm smile came over his face.

"Yes. Quite good friends actually. Before he found you, I beleive I was his only one as well." Arthur said, and for once he didn't seemed upset about anything.

Lili completely forgot about the other things she was about to ask, a surprised expression on her innocent face. Did Arthur know something about her brother she didn't?

"Really? Tell me more."

Arthur laughed lightheartedly. "Well... Wow, where do I start?"

He mixed whatever the heck wa sin that bowl and told her about many things her brother had done, and how he would never admit any of it. About the things he was terrible at and the things he was good at. Everything.

"Though there was always one thing that I didn't let him know I heard him do." Arthur stopped what he was doing for a moment.

Oliver and Yao looked him, having heard the entire conversation. Lili actually leaned forward in anticipation.

"What?" She asked.

Arthur got a dreamy look in his eyes. "He was over at my house for the day, blocked in. I remember I had a paino back then. He was playing something on it. It was breathtaking. And he was singing in the most beautiful voice." Arthur snapped back to reality and blushed when he realized he had complimented someone.

"I-i mean-! It wasn't awful! Better than America's!" He stuttered, opening the oven to pull out what appeared to be burnt rocks.


"That explains it then." A voice came from behind her. Turning, she saw Roderich, with a small smile on his face.

"What explains what Mr. Austria?" She asked kindly.

"He lied to me. When I had taught him Piano so many centuries ago, he pretended to be awful. Though, I don't believe I have ever heard him sing." Roderich explained.

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