A Feather

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Have another chapter, because I'm bored! It's a sad one!

(Inspired by 'All the right Moves' by One republic. - "All the right friends in all the right places, so yeah, we're going down.)

Ivan followed Holy Rome and Kiku as they lead him away, with Francis laughing at his side.

Though, he knew something was wrong. Francis's face was heavily flushed, and he was shivering and coughing, dispite how much he was attempting to cover it up.

Then, they saw a figure in the distance. Kiku stopped completely.

It wasn't Rome.

It was Egil.

Said 2p was stalking confidently towards then, not even wearing a coat.

Ivan moved in front of Francis, who tried to get him to move away.

"Hello~ I've been sent to get you so, let's go." Egil ordered, looking at Kiku and placing his hands on his hips as soon as he was close enough.

"As if we'd ever listen to someone with as little honor as you." Kiku said stiffly.

Holy Rome glared. If these nations didn't like that one, he wasn't going to trust them.

"Relax. You won the game. I need you to go back to your friends so we can start out next game. Except you Francey-pants. We still need you."

Francis moved back behind Ivan.

Kiku glared, reaching for his katana, before realizing he didn't have it. Non had weapons. They couldn't fight.

Francis coughed harshly, Causing Egil to look.

"Come on, Here. These will take you back to your friends. I won't do anything. Just leave before I actually try to kill someone." Egil said, holding his hand out. Three small orbs were laying in his hand. Two blue, one orange.

"Just crush them."

Ivan moved forward, taking the orbs from the 2p. He had no choice. Though it was selfish, he didn't want any of his new friends to die and leave him alone again.

Egil grinned.

"That's your only chance out. See ya." And he was gone in a flash of light.

Russia looked at the orbs in his hand before turning to his three friends.

"We have no choice... We will leave together, da?" The Russian asked.

Holy Rome's eyes darkened sadly.

"Don't worry, we will visit." Ivan assured him. The empire nodded.

Ivan handed the orbs to Kiku and Francis.

Francis waited a moment, staring at the orbs, before before giving Holy Rome a sudden hug.

"I'm... Sorry. I will miss you." Francis mumbled.

Holy Rome nodded. Kiku and Ivan got ready to crush the small devices.

"Tell my brothers and... Italy I miss them." Holy Rome said, smiling saidly.

Francis nodded.

"Three. Two. One." Ivan and Kiku dissapeared.

Francis was still there.

"Though, I think you should tell them yourself." Francis smiled sadly, looking at the Empire, before throwing the orb with enough force for it to burst.

Holy Rome gasped in horror as he started glowing, the last thing he saw was Francis's tearfilled eyes releasing warm tears into his face.


Tear Stains ~Sequel to Red Eyes~Where stories live. Discover now