-A/n plus funfacts-

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Look, since the chapter will be up late, I want to give you this. These are everything I planned and then threw out, but they contain no spoilers.

Fun facts:

Italy and Germany were supposed to have switched, with Germany the one in danger for once.

●Canada was supposed to have been 'accidentally' taken, so his 2p could keep him. His 2p was going to run away with him. This changed however, because I need him.

●The nordics were never supposed to be added, but I needed some extra bad guys, other than the baltics, so their 1ps came in. Also, I really like sweden and norway....

●When I write the chapters, I will type out insults towards myself and ideas, and erasing them at the end. One of the best ones was, "You're writing a fanfiction, not a school essay you twit."

●Kuro and Kiku's relationship was supposed to be swapped with Vash. Vash and Voss, however, hate each other, which had been a deleted part earlier.

●England was going to do magic, being able to get France back (before he died), but I dismissed the idea until later.

●Kuro referring to Kiku as 'light' was unintentional, but I wrote it down and couldn't get myself to remove it. It sounds... right.

●France was never supposed to die, until three chapter before he did. It was supposed to be Russia. Russia was supposed to die in front of Kiku and Francis, splitting his scarf in half, then Francis and Kiku would return with both halves around their necks.

●Vash was added so I could spread my love of Switzerland. I think he is such a wonderful character, with such a tough exterior... Like a low-key tsundere... Same with Sweden.

●Canadian Researchers had found some bad after-effects of being electrocuted, which is why Canada reacted so harshly. Also, he said 'bastard'.

●I was going to include torture scenes, and not bleep the curse words, but I want everyone to be able to read it without feeling uncomfortable.


My headcanons=

○Japan and Italy have Germany wrapped around their fingers. If Japan would freak out, or Italy would start crying, Germany would do everything and anything to help.

○ Switzerland always enjoyed protecting Austria. It had made him feel like he was important to someone. So now, he protects Liechtenstein.

○Sweden is very vulnerable. If someone was killed and it was his fault, he would lock himself away.

○Japan forgets to eat and sleep sometimes. He will work until he drops for something, which is why he wasn't asleep like Francis or Holy rome.


I would live to hear your ideas on who is behind the who thing, and what they want. Flood me with headcanons, interesting facts, what I can fix, if you liked the chapter, anything. I love going through the comments and reading all the wonderful things you guys leave.

Also, if you need to refer to me, just, M is fine.

Sorry the next chapter will be late, but this will satisfy you for now!

Also! I just watched an entire play-through of dreamtalia, and I gave me inspection for another book!

But it will stay a draft until I know what to do with it...

That is all, for now.

Au revior~

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