A Train

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Love this image^^^

Gilbert sighed softly, watching the crowds of people bustle around, smiling and laughing, completely oblivious to what the countries were doing.

Shaking his head, he pushed open the door to the corner store and walking over to the rows of junk food.

He was hungry, and honestly, he didn't feel like going home.

He stopped.


He had spent so long at Alfred's house with the other nations, he had started believing it to be his home.

Touching his cross necklace softly, he smiled.

When he truly got home, to he and Ludwig's house in Germany, he would throw a huge party. Everyone would like that.

He nodded to himself.

That's what he would do. They couldn't possible have to fight for much longer. They would have to celebrate winning.

A party was the perfect plan. Grabbing some random bag of junkfood, he quickly payed and ran back to his temporary home.

He had some planning to do.


Bernard frowned, leaning towards  the screen. His 1p was acting odd. In fact, he hadn't moved for two hours. He was just... Sitting there. Gripping his head with his knees to hos chest, still.

Or Bernard thought he was.

But then, the screen flickered, and suddenly Berwald's angry, tear-stained face was up close to the camera, causing Bernard to jump back, screaming.

There was incoherent Swedish chanting coming from the 1p, as he glared even more fiercely.

Then, Bernard caught what he was saying.

"Släpp ut mig...! Släpp ut mig! SLÄPP UT MIG!!"

Let me out...! Let me out! LET ME OUT!

Bernard yelped, and turned the screen off, shaking lightly. He may act tough, but Damn his 1p was terrifying.

Silence echoed in his ears, and he sighed.

Until, footsteps echoed down the hall. They weren't rushed, but they were quite heavy.

He waited a momwnt, his breathing in his throat.

Did he get out? Is he coming to kill me?! I don't want to die!

He screamed when his version of Norway popped their head around the corner.

"Hei! What are you screaming?" He asked cheerfully, a grin spreading across his face.

2p Norway had darker blonde hair with a red tint and an inverted black cross pin was clipped into it. His eyes were an odd bright, yet pastel purple, contracting with his thick-rimmed black glasses and the obvious burn mark on his cheek, trailing down to dissapear under his red scarf and red sailor suit. In his black gloved hands, he held his flamethrower, which explained the heavy sounding footsteps. He was usually quite cheerful, but his emotions could change very suddenly, so you couldn't be sure.

His name was Loki.

"Uhh, you startled me!" Bernard quickly spat, lying through his teeth. Loki didn't seem to notice- Or care.

"Yeah, whatever. You better hide though. Thurston is coming."

Bernard shreaked and dove under the desk, just in time for an angry Fin to come rushing in with a sniper in one hand and a very large knife in the other.

Tear Stains ~Sequel to Red Eyes~Where stories live. Discover now