Bonus: Special Delivery Mr. Carter, Sign Here

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Seth's POV

The cool London air swirled around me, as I pulled the front of my leather jacket around my chest slightly. The crisp scent of the evening air invaded my nostrils and the chill bit at my cheeks slightly. Lost in the beautiful glimmer of the evening, I felt her petite hand tighten in mine and I glanced over at those chocolate eyes that drove me wild, every single time I looked at them.

"You cold, babe?" I asked, as I watched her shiver slightly. Her skin glowed slightly under the faint streetlights that were just beginning to switch on around us.

"No, just uncomfortable. God, I feel like a mac truck," she commented, as she almost waddled down the street to our flat.

We had taken to enjoying the evenings by taking long walks to a nearby park. The only thing that disturbed me about having my girl out near the park at this time of the evening, was the sounds of rustling in the bushes when the darkness began to set. I blamed that shithead neighbor of ours, who told us stories about the rats setting out from the confines of the bushes once the sun set. Yeah, rats were not my cup of tea, at all.

I pulled Talia closer to the side of my body, wrapping my arm around her shoulders. The scent of her jasmine and honey scented shampoo instantly invaded my senses and I felt my heart flutter. She looked up at me, her eyes catching the light from the streetlight overhead. Every single time that my wife looked at me, she made my heart stop beating and my skin tingle. 

It was always the same exact thing, just one look tipped my world on end. Standing there gazing at her, I thought back to the first time I met her, back when I was nineteen years old. I was just chilling with my boys around a sticky table at Max's Pizza after one of our gigs, and this fiery redhead just walked over and attempted to engage me in conversation.

I took one look at the beautiful young girl in front of me, feeling my skin crawl in excitement at the first word that escaped her beautifully plump pink lips. However, I wasn't stupid. Everything about her screamed illegal, so I brushed her off like she was just another groupie looking to take a ride on the Seth Train.

I felt like shit treating her like she was just another girl at another gig. I remember staring at her as she walked away, instantly feeling like I needed to follow her and apologize for being a dick, but I stayed seated and just watched everything about her. She walked over to the small red counter and leaned across it, talking to Luke, the young kid with freckles behind the till. He gave her his best cheeky smile and I immediately wanted to punch him in his gut for talking to my girl; but she wasn't my girl. Hell, I didn't even know her name.

Mosh was going on and on about some chick in a miniskirt over by the small stage, rolling her thin straw around her tongue staring at us, but I could've cared less. My eyes were on the striking redhead with the eyes so brown, they were like decadent chocolate kisses waiting to be unwrapped and devoured. 

I watched her pick up a round tray with a giant pizza on it, amazed that such a little thing could put away that much food.  She fumbled around, throwing a bunch of stuff on top of it, as if she was an artist at a canvas creating a masterpiece, and then hoisted it up in front of her. My eyes became as big as saucers, when she walked in our direction and thrust it down on the table in front of us. She then scooted into the booth, her jean clad thigh brushing up against mine as she wiggled in.

My blood pressure peaked at that simple touch and I almost had to shake my head to clear the fog that slowly creeped in. Never had a girl had such an effect on me as she did. She grabbed a slice of pizza and the sounds that escaped her lips as she chewed on that cheesy goodness, had me stumbling to catch my breath.

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