Chapter 35: Some Stories Don't Have An Ending

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5 months later...

I looked all around me at the sheer royal blue silk floating in the late May breeze. The smell of lilac and roses clung to the air around where I stood. For a brief moment, the sun threw a small spark of its glory directly into my squinting eyes, which had Seth softly laughing at me, from where he was standing.

"Probably not the best place to have such a pained expression on your face, baby," he whispered, as he leaned in close to my ear.

"The stupid sun was in my eyes. It wasn't pained, it was a murderous warning that if it did it again, it would be sorry," I whispered back, as I attempted my best scowl back toward the sun, which was shrouded by a few almost stormy clouds in the sky.

I heard Seth chuckle again, as he rubbed his calloused thumb over the back of my hand. One quick almost snarl from the man standing in front of us, halted all further shenanigans.

"Mr. Carter, you had something you'd like to say?" the man in front of us inquired calmly, his annoyance levels spiking a tad at the display of immaturity on our part.

"Right! You bet your ass I do!" Seth exclaimed, while he dug in the front pocket of his pants for the piece of paper that was tucked securely inside. A few chuckles were heard behind us at his comment, which caused me to laugh to myself. I took a deep breath, exhaling the crisp air around. 

Seth smirked at me before he cleared his throat and in his raspy, yet amazingly sexy voice, he continued, "Talia Grey. My whole life has been one long playlist. A playlist where I've frantically skipped ahead and sped up in search of something; when all along my favorite song was just sitting on repeat waiting for me. You're my repeat, because you're the only song I need for the rest of my life. I love everything about you, but more importantly, I love that you complete me. You take away any pain and you stitch up the broken pieces that threaten to dangle from my heart and drop brutally to the floor, shattering into a million pieces. You're my calm in any storm and every piece of color I see when I open my eyes. You're my best friend, but more importantly, you'll always be my first choice, forever. My love is yours and only yours, because my heart couldn't bear being touched by any other hands. I'm beyond in love with you and I pledge to be your forever and always."

I felt a single tear spill from my eyes, as I looked at Seth's massively beautiful smile. It was a large, ear to ear smile, which showcased his gloriously white and perfect teeth. His nose ring caught the brief rays of the sun that toppled down onto his face, as the brisk breeze maneuvered the strands of royal blue silk around us.

I looked over at my dad who was beaming with a large smile, his immaculately pressed black suit, with the single royal blue pocket square and purple rose on his lapel, made him look devastatingly handsome as he sat watching us. I felt Lizbeth nudge me from behind and when I looked back, she motioned toward the officiant who was speaking to me.

"Huh? Sorry, brain fart," I whispered in the officiant's direction, causing Seth to chuckle at my comment.

"I said, are your vows ready, Miss Grey?" the officiant asked.

"Yep. We're good," I stated, as I gripped Seth's hand a little tighter. I didn't need a piece of paper to tell Seth how I felt, because I decided to let my heart talk for both of us. "Seth Carter. You're the only person that sees everything that's inside me. You see my fears, my hopes, and my dreams. Being your best friend was my greatest adventure, until I fell hopelessly in love with you. When that happened, everything else around me paled in comparison. You once told me that I was the first thought when you woke up, the last thing on your mind when you went to sleep and sometimes, every moment in between. When you sealed my heart in your tattered pocket, I knew instantly how you felt; except there was something more to it. Seth, you're the air that I breathe, the colors I see, and the drumbeats in my heart. Without you, my life is pale grey and I don't want to be a Grey anymore, I need to be a Carter. Love doesn't even describe the way I feel for you, Seth, and I pledge to love you every minute of every day until my heart doesn't beat anymore. I pledge to love you even when you eat the last of my ice cream or take the trash out in your underwear and combat boots, much to the horror of any neighbors around. I pledge to love you even when you wear mismatched socks or give me spoilers to movies I haven't seen yet. I just promise to always love you."

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