Chapter 23: The House Of Broken Hearts

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After everything that happened when I came back from NYC, the revelations about the Reever family's intentions where I was concerned, and the cold shoulder that I got from Damian, I cut off contact with both boys. I sat in different seats, I didn't sit alone in the dining hall and I stopped going for walks. I needed space from the myths, the signs, and anything connected to fate in the stars. I needed space for myself.

I wasn't sure where Damian and I would stand in the future, but for a while, there needed to be distance. I kept my head down until the winter break. I studied my heart out when I needed to, spent time with Lizbeth and Angie, and played with the band whenever I could. I threw myself into my family and spent a lot of time at the Wyndham Estate with my brother Miles and even went out several times on dates with Killian, in nearby towns. I had to admit that once you separated Killian from the house and his work, he was interesting to be around. 

I learned things about his childhood and about my grandparents who were deceased. He asked me to tell him stories about my own childhood and several times we talked about my mom. Those were the hard moments for Killian, the moments that took a lot of out him; the moments when you saw that vicious tear in his heart, that was left behind by my mom. The tear that never properly healed. 

Just seeing how Killian reacted when we spoke about her, showed me that I couldn't waste any more time on getting wrapped up in the what ifs; I needed to live in the what nows. Exams came and went, and finally, winter break was upon us. It was a much needed break away from this new life and I was excited more than ever to go home and see my hometown and spend time the Carters.

I stood in the airport, duffle bag in hand and my guitar case in the other. I scanned the surrounding area near baggage claim, searching the faces, looking for those forest green eyes that I longed to see so much. I saw him walk in my direction, his skinny jean clad long legs, moved in their long strides. His neck tattoo peaked out from the top of his blue button up shirt, that was buttoned all the way to the top, underneath his black leather jacket. I almost didn't recognize him, he looked more put together than he normally did and his unruly inky black mohawk was curling down on his forehead, underneath the safety of a dark army green beanie.

He looked lost in the moment, walking towards baggage claim, until his head raised and his stunning green eyes locked on me. Just the sight of me, made him stop dead in his tracks. I saw him release the breath he was holding tightly inside his chiseled chest, his perfect pink lips parted and then formed into the largest smile that I had ever seen on his face. I heard my bags and case drop to the ground next to me and then followed the sounds of the slapping of my combat boot clad feet against the hard floor as my legs propelled me towards him. He stretched out his firm arms and I leaped into his embrace.

He stalled for a moment and just stared into my eyes, before he leaned in and wrapped his strong lips around mine and kissed me. The feel of his mouth on mine was electric and the instant he touched me, it took away all my pain, all the doubts, and all the feelings of anyone else but him. His kiss saved me; his lips being the glue that mended all the broken pieces back together. I had never believed in fate, but if I did, I would have believed that Seth and I were destined for each other.

He had been there through all the pain, all the tears, and all the laughs; he had been there for everything that mattered. His grip tightened around my waist as he held me in his arms, my feet dangling over the cream colored floor of the airport, while people just milled around us. When he broke the kiss, he pressed his forehead against mine and just sighed.

"I don't know if I'm going to be able to let you go home in two weeks," Seth whispered, as he rubbed his smooth cheek over mine and just inhaled my scent. Finally, he set me down and walked over to fetch my duffle and guitar case up off the floor, gripping my hand in his and intertwining our fingers. When we stepped out into the freezing cold Minnesota air, the little flakes of snow swirled around me, threatening to kiss my exposed flesh with their bitterly cold edges.

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