Chapter 28: Jaw Drops & Eyes On Stalks

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*This video is crap (it's the best quality acoustic I could find), sorry guys, but it's his voice that will paint the picture of this scene. This is how I imagine Seth's voice to sound when he sings to Talia. "Angel's Wings" by Social Distortion (Mike Ness singing) *fans herself at the raspy sexiness* 

Seth's voice echoed through my ears as I laid in his arms, his strong tattooed hands stroked through the fire red strands of my hair. His raspy voice, soothed my soul as the moonlight creeped into the dark room and spilled across the bed. Faint hints of the twinkling of the stars that shown bright in the night sky, spilled across Seth's face, radiating across his strong features like he had been kissed by angels.

As the words left his perfect lips, words that professed his love and desire to be a better man; words about marriage and a future, I melted. That raspy and seductive voice sang "Angel's Wings," by Social Distortion to me and all I could think about was this moment etched forever in my brain and the millions of moments that would follow; moments etched in time, moments of our future. 

"I don't care about what they say, 

I'm gonna marry you some day, 

Go ahead and wake up, it's a brand new day"

I looked up at Seth and saw everything I had ever wanted, all packaged into a neat box and wrapped up in my favorite colored bow. He had always been mine and I had always been his. It had taken me a long time to realize that everything I had ever wanted, had always been there, waiting patiently for me to get my head out of my ass and latch on to it. Seth would someday, hopefully soon, be my husband; then, he would be the father of my children. He would be everything that I had always dreamed of and much more; there was nothing that could tear us apart. No force was great enough that it could destroy the love that I felt in my soul for Seth Carter.

His hands lightly grazed down the side of my pink cheek, as I felt the fire brew underneath my skin. His simple touch, the feeling of his calloused fingertips running along my silky soft skin, sent electrical shockwaves through each nerve ending. Attached to those little electrical currents were feelings of desire, love, and pain at the thought of him withdrawing his touch from my skin. My skin craved him as much as my heart did

I felt his thumb graze over my bottom lip, like fine sandpaper pulling at the skin in a seductive, yet affectionate manner. My lip jutted down by his action, exposing my row of bottom teeth. I looked up into Seth's green pools and saw something that I had seen a thousand times from him, yet this time I didn't feel hesitant or afraid. I felt as if I could read his thoughts and feel every single thump of his racing heart. I felt as if, in that moment, I could feel his soul mold to mine, connecting us for eternity.

His forest green eyes flickered in the moonlight, the rays of faint white light caused the darker greens to slowly seep into the lighter portions, almost like a kaleidoscope would merge colors. At that moment, those eyes were the only eyes in the world. The only eyes that I ever wanted to gaze upon, the only eyes that I ever wanted comfort and understanding from. Seth inched his face closer to mine and I could smell the faint hint of mint, left behind by his spearmint flavored toothpaste. His breath was warm and sweet against my face, like the first breaths of summertime and the awaiting sweetness that would follow the anticipation of those sugary ice cold treats against your tongue. 

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