Chapter 18: Jasmin & Honey... Oh My

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The band took their positions and I settled back against the wooden planked wall of the room, propping my foot up behind me and crossing my arms at my chest. I closed my eyes because I heard the music differently when there weren't any distractions. Vision was a distraction, hell, Seth was the distraction.

"Alright, on 3...... 2...... 1...." Seth counted down the song and on one, Mosh lit into an opening beat.; pretty soon they all joined in. 

The song had an upbeat tempo, with a little bit of an old school Green Day feel to it, as in their pre-Dookie album days and it had a lot of power chords. Mickey started his fancy footwork of tapping his foot at the mic and waving his hair around, while his hands pushed the mic stand forward and back towards him. On cue, he fired into the lyrics.

"She stepped into my life over a hot slice, 

All fire and absolutely no ice.

Infiltrated my world which used to be so air tight

All fire, boy was she nice.

I drove her home one night and my lips found hers

Lean in  baby and give me some more.

She tasted like chocolate and it blew my mind,

All fire baby, damn I need more.

My jasmine and honey girl

So fire and oh so fine

My jasmine and honey girl

Just the girl to mend that heart of mine

Oh so fire, damnnnn she's fine.

Just the girl to kickstart that heart of mine

Sweet girl of almost eighteen, tamed the man in me

She's absolutely fire and I wish she'd agree to be mine

Head of fire and brown eyes oh so fine.

My jasmine and honey girl

So fire and so damn fine

My jasmine and honey girl

If she'd only take me from this world of mine

My jasmine and honey girl

So much desire and oh so so fine

My Jasmine and honey girl

She holds that heart of mine, please be kind"

I just stood there, in shock. It would have been the perfect moment for the janitor to swing by to sweep up the mess I had made on the floor when my jaw hit it and smashed into a million-minute pieces. The shock dripping off my lips was like a sudden oil leak seeping from a pipe. Seth had written a song, not about the standard things he wrote about, which included stupid reactions to pop culture around us, life in Northfield Minnesota, or his gut reaction to riot when the local grocery store ran out of Coke. He actually wrote about his serious feelings.

     He wrote about meeting me for the first time in Max's Pizza, when I had introduced myself to the band after one of their gigs. I remember walking up to the table where they sat, a bunch of desperate groupie looking girls from the high school surrounding them as they sipped on their sodas and discussed plans for making it big. They had ignored me at first, thinking I was just another young girl who wanted to drape over them like a cheap suit.

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