Chapter 9: I'm Acting Like I Don't Care, SEE?

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I hated being rushed. I think I hated being rushed more than the thought of elephants stampeding through my bedroom wall and crushing me to death in my sleep. I hated being rushed more than the thought of burning my tongue on a really hot slice of pizza, where the cheese just looked so yummy and gooey that you couldn't help biting in. I hated being rushed more than looking in my wallet and noticing that I didn't have enough money to buy that really amazing looking doughnut behind the counter, the one dripping with maple frosting and little crunchy pieces. 

I hated being rushed.

Rushing water, the rushing of air through your hair as you hung your head out the window, the rushing of thoughts through your head as your fingers scramble to write it all down... Now, that kind of rushing, I didn't mind.

The kind of rushing that involved the incessant tapping of heels in anticipation of your arrival to the door, so that you could once again rush. Rush off into the unknown. Rush into an impending fight, rush into a frenzy... You could keep it all where I was concerned.

I, Talia Waverly Grey, am a patient person.

Shit. It didn't work...

Lizbeth rushed me out of the door and to the spot where her shiny silver car was parked. For a brief second, I looked around, trying to catch a glimpse of that sleek beauty that purred when he placed his hands on the ignition, but I didn't see it. It wasn't where he had parked last night after our drive. The drive last night after that kiss. That single earth-shattering moment, when my heart briefly stopped in my chest and I felt like he was breathing for both of us.

There was a feeling in my chest that was unfamiliar and that paired with the nervous acrobats currently practicing their tumbles in my stomach, it wasn't a pleasant feeling. 

"You look like you're in love." My eyes shot over at Lizbeth and gulped. 

I wasn't in love... Was I? I didn't think that I had ever really been in love with someone, so I wasn't sure what kinds of things you felt when it happened. Even though it was a feeling that I was unfamiliar with, I was positive that the tumbles of my stomach had more to do with the fact that in no time, I would be placing my feet on the ground that my "father" owned. 

The thought of that "word" in my mind made me do a silent gagging face.

Ok, I lied. I was kind of in love, with Seth, but he also really liked random one-night stands and that kind of stuff scared the mascara right off my eyelashes.

That feeling aside, the feeling in my chest was new and unfamiliar, but I didn't believe it was love. Maybe extreme fascination paired with a hint of longing... Crap... Nope, I refused to admit that maybe somewhere deep down, I was falling a little bit for Damian Reever, of all people. 

"That's silly. First off, I don't know anyone here. Secondly, no one lives up to my standards."

"Usually when you have to list off reasons why you aren't something, it means you are, Talia." Lizbeth drummed her fingers on the steering wheel, the faint sounds of the stereo in the background. I think it was a Demi Lovato song, but truth was, that my knowledge of what Lizbeth considered popular music, lacked in some departments. 

"I might have a crush on someone if we are being honest, but I don't even know his name. He's just another cute boy in a crowd and that's all he's ever going to be in my eyes. I don't plan on sticking around after graduation, so why get invested?"  Lies, all lies. Well except maybe the sticking around part.

"That's a shame, Talia."

I looked over at her, the heater was blowing some of the chunks of her now straight strawberry blonde hair out of her face. 

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