Sharing a room with my boyfriend and his four brothers....oh and a baby! chapter 5

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(hey guys hope you liked it, I also hope that I haven't ruined it by having hazel go missing, let me know what you think and please please please vote, comment or become a fan it would mean a lot to me xx thank you and love you all soo much for reading xxx)

(hey guys glad you liked the last chapter... so here is the next hope you enjoy)

Sharing a room with my boyfriend and his four brothers...oh and a baby!

Chapter 5

I grabbed the book out of the guys hand and started waving it about in the air "you're telling me that you didn't look at the person" I throw the book across the shop "you didn't look at the person who may just possible have my 7 day old daughter!!!" by now I was shouting, the man looked at me scared "am...s...s...s..orr...y..." the man stutter I was about to say something else but 'don't rain on my parade' started play, I took my phone out and answered it "hello" I said with a hint of anger in my voice "Lilly honey it mum, where are you, you're father and I are coming to meet you" I know they disowned me when I as pregnant but someone had my daughter and I was scared, I was scared for her well fair, her safety, her altogether and I need my parents "We're at flamboyant ice creams" I said. My mum said oki and that she will meet us there. I put my phone back in my pocket and noticed that the man had gotten his book back form the corner where I throw it and was pressed as far back behind the counter as he could be. "Lilly the letter we need the next clue if we're going to find hazel and get her back" parker was right I needed to read it, I took a deep breathe and looked at the letter 'dear Lilly and parker plus whoever is helping, well you got it right although I would be surprised if you didn't. Be careful not to shout at the man behind the counter he's very shy and weak. Again if you look under the letter there will be a clue. The person who has hazel' when I get me hands on this person, he is going to wish he never crossed Lilly Sophia smith 'aww look at all the little fishes and all the pretty colours, you should know where am on about parker, it was your favourite place as a child.' There were a few places that were parker's favourite over his years as a child but there was one place that he loved to go to and that was 'little town's aquarium'.

As we were walking out the shop my mum and dad pulled up "since when does an ice cream shop stay open at 3 in the morning?" my mum asked in shock, I subsided the question and said "we're going to 'little town's aquarium'" I ran to the car and the rest followed "right mum parker, Paul, Katie and I are going in Paul's car, you and dad follow us down in yours" I said as I slide in to the car, Paul got in the driver seat, Katie got in besides him and parker got in the back with me. Paul pulled away from the ice cream shop as my phone started to ring, I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the number, it was an unknown number again like before so answered it and put it on loud so that everyone could hear "hello" I asked trying to sound calm "hello" the voice on the other end said this time he wasn't putting the voice on it was genuine "so you got the clue again, your good at this maybe I should make them harder" they want me to play a guessing game I looked across to parker then to Katie "how long is this going to go on for, I want my daughter back. Please...let me have my daughter back, she'd only 7 days old, she shouldn't be away from her mother for too long please...let me have her back" I begged over the phone, the other end was silent "you have ten clues to get right, when you get one wrong another clue will be added, you have to guess ten correct clues to get hazel back so far you have got two right" I was starting to get more and more angry "why are you making me play this guessing game to get my daughter back" I asked I wanted answers and I was going to get them, the person on the phone sighed "am making you play a guessing game because I want to" this was torture "how do you know that we are getting the clues right?" I asked, how did they know "well you see, am watching you from a far distance and I can hear everything you say" I was about to ask how but the person but the phone down on me. I didn't know what to say, I just stared at my phone "I recognise that voice I think" Katie stated in an unsure voice, she recognised the voice, she might be able to get hazel back "who, who is it, who has my daughter" I smothered her with a load of questions, she turned round in her seat "Don't you remember, it was when we were in year 8 I think, we had a supply teacher, don't you think he sounds like him, but I can't be sure" I looked at her, I knew what she was talking about "am not sure, I know what your talking about" I looked at my phone I still had it open and there was a picture of hazel the day she was born, I looked at Katie "but I don't remember the voice" I looked back down to the picture.

Sharing a room with my boyfriend and his four brothers....oh and a baby!Where stories live. Discover now