Sharing a room with my boyfriend and his four brothers....oh and a baby! chapter 15

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(hey guys, what ya think of the dresses, aren't the gorgeous, well here's the next chapter xx thanks for reading xx)

Sharing a room with a boyfriend and his four brothers....oh and a baby!

Chapter 15

As we entered the restaurant it wasn't too busy "can I help you" the waiter asked us, parker stood forward "yes we had a reservation for four but we have an extra two people" the waiter looked around "that is oki sir, would you like to follow me" he grabbed six menus and showed us to a table. Once we were all sat down we ordered our drinks and the waiter said he would go and collect them, Katie, Ella and I were in the middle of a conversation when parker asked "is that a new dress Lil, it looks very nice" I looked down at myself "yeah, I got it today in the dress shop, we all got a new dress" the lads looked at us "well you all look lovely" Paul said looking up from the menu "yes you do, especially you Ella-May" Ryan said with a grin on his face, what is he thinking. When our drinks came we ordered our meals and we just sat talking when Ella jumped in her seat "Ella are you oki, you have just jumped" she shuffled in her seat "am fine thanks am not sure why I jumped" I think I had a clue as to why she did, I looked to Ryan who had a grin spread across his face.

The rest of the dinner went well besides the glares I kept giving Ryan. We left at about 9:30 as we were leaving the restaurant Paul put his arm round Katie whilst asking "what should we do next" he paused for a second "that is if you don't want to go home yet" Katie looked to me then to Paul "ermm..." was all she could get out before she fell over the kerb, even though Paul had his arm around her he didn't catch her in time, when she landed on the floor and her knee clicked and she screamed in pain "ahh!" she started crying, I looked to Ella and we both ran to her and knelt on the floor. Ella and Katie had become quite good friends over the last month Ella has been here. "Katie are you oki" Ella asked whilst rubbing her back, Katie shock her head "no, my knee really hurt" she rolled over to sit on her bottom and to show us her knee, it was bleeding quite badly "Katie can you move your knee" I asked her whilst removing her heels and handing them to Paul, Katie tried to move her knee but didn't as she screamed when she did "I can't...I th...think....i...i'" she said between tears, I removed the tear that was on her cheek and then looked to Paul "the way she fell it could be possible, we need to get her to hospital" Paul pulled his phone out and called for an ambulance because there was no way we could lift her without putting her in pain "parker go and ask the restaurant if we can lend a clean dish cloth or towel to wrap round her knee to see if we can stop it bleeding" parker rushed off back inside the restaurant, after a couple of minutes parker returned with a towel and a member of staff with a first aid kit "right what's happened" he asked looking at Katie "as we got to the kerb she fell and he knee hit the end of the kerb first and it clicked and now its bleeding badly" the man looked at Katie's knee and just nodded "we have phoned for an ambulance" I looked to Paul and he nodded "it will be here soon, they said to try and stopped the bleeding if we can" the man looked to Paul and then to Katie "right pass the towel please" parker handed him the towel and he wrapped it round Katie's knee tightly "AHHHH!" she screamed in pain and more tears fell down her face "sorry but it will stop the bleeding" he looked to me "will you hold think whilst I go and take the kit back inside, it's not going to be any use, the injury is too server" we all nodded and he took the first aid kit back in the restaurant "I don't like him" I said when he was out of hearing range "me neither" Ella chimed for the other side of Katie "nor me, he creped me out" Katie said quietly as Paul sat down next to her, he didn't like to see her in pain and he looked lost when she was.

After 10 minutes the ambulance came. As they were putting Katie inside "right only two of you cant travel with her" the paramedic said, I looked to the lads "it will make sense if me and Ella go then Paul can drive the car to the hospital" the lads agreed and went to get in the car, Ella and I got in with Katie. Kate had stopped crying by now but I could tell she was still in immense pain, I moved the piece of her fringe that covering her eye out of the way, I handed her a tissue as a few tears kept rolling down her cheek "how's your knee" Ella asked Katie as she placed her hand on Katie's shoulder "it still hurts" I looked at her knee which was still bleeding slightly "with the way you fell I think you have broken it" just as I finished my sentence my phone went off, I looked at the ID and it was my mum "am sorry but you will have to turn that off" the paramedic said looking at me, I looked to Katie and Ella who both nodded "well am sorry but it is my mother calling and it will probably be regarding my daughter so if you don't mind am going to answer it" the paramedic had a disgusted looked on her face, Katie was trying not to laugh and as Ella had her back to the paramedic she smiled and put her thumb up at me, I pressed the answer button on my phone "hey mum, is everything oki" trying to sound polite "yes everything is fine, I was ring to tell you that hazel has a bit of a high temperature, she has had some calpol and is a sleep in just her vest" I sighed a little "oki mum, we're on the way to the hospital..." I didn't get to finish before my mum cut me off "why, whose hurt, it's not you is it" I must of had a annoyed look on my face as both Katie and Ella laughed "no it's not me, it's Katie, she sort of fell and her knee landed on the end of the kerb, it's was bleeding quite badly and it is possible that she has broke it because of how she fell" I heard my mum sigh "oki, do you want your father to meet you at the hospital" I looked at the girls who were talking "no mum it's oki, I'll ring you when we know if she has broke it or not" I heard my mum mutter something but I didn't quite catching "oki mum" was all I could think of the say "bye mum" I said as I pulled the phone away from my ear, ended the call and put it back in my bag.

Sharing a room with my boyfriend and his four brothers....oh and a baby!Where stories live. Discover now