Sharing a room with my boyfriend and his four brothers....oh and a baby! chapter 12

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(here it is the next chapter, glad you all last the last one xx thanks for reading xx)

Sharing a room with my boyfriend and his four brothers....oh and a baby!

Chapter 12

*end of coma dream back to normality*

As I started to come round, I had the most pounding headache and this light wasn't doing any good "Lilly, Lilly babe, Lilly can you here me?" will people please stop talking, I heard shuffling then someone speaking "doctor I think Lilly might be coming round" doctor? Why was there a doctor? Coming round? Coming round from where? "Hmm, I think your right Mr Jones" Mr Jones? Parker? was parker here. I felt like I had control back over my limbs, I slowly opened my eyes to see a man in a white coat looking at a flip chart, I slowly looked to my right and saw I was connected to a heart monitor machine, I guess that was the beeping noise then, I looked to my head and saw parker sat in the hospital chair, he was holding a baby, it took me a few minutes to realise that the baby he was holding was mine and I was right about being a mum "see parker, I told you we had a 2 week old daughter" parker looked at me a little confused "I never doubt that we didn't babe but hazel isn't 2 weeks" I looked at parker, then to hazel whilst I was trying to figure out the date "she was born the 30th June, its now the 14th July that makes her 2 weeks old" parker looked over to the doctor who gave a slight nod "Lilly, baby, you were knocked over by a car 6 weeks ago, you have been in a coma since" he paused and looked at hazel "hazel is now 2 months old, Katie and your parent's have been helping look after her" hazel is 2 months old, I have missed 6 weeks of my daughters life, 6 weeks that I am never going to get back, I could feel a tear escape for my eye "Lilly, why are you crying" parker rose his hand to my cheek and whipped my tear away "I've missed 6 weeks of my daughter's life, 6 weeks that I am never going to get back?", I looked at hazel then to parker.

After 3 hours, parker and the doctor had explained what happened when I got knocked over by the car, parker had been staying at the hospital for the full six weeks, he had not left my side and my parents had been bringing hazel into see me. Katie came rushing in "Lilly, I am so sorry, I should have not left you on the road side, I should have pulled you across the road when I noticed you weren't walking normally" I looked at her and smiled "Katie, its not your fault, I should have ran across the road like I normally do but something stopped me at that level crossing and I don't know what" when I finished talking I used my arms to push myself up as soon as parker saw he passed hazel to Katie and helped sit me up "I can sit up on my own parker", when I was sat up I held my arms out for hazel, Katie pass her over to me and I started cooing to her but she started to cry, I looked at parker who had a confused and worried look on his face, I looked back to hazel "shhh...shhh....shhh baby it's mammy" hazel was still crying "parker why is she crying? She never cried when I held her" I had a sad expression on my face and I was worried that my daughter had forgotten who I was "maybe she's hungry" Katie suggested "parker pass Lilly a bottle" parker bent down to pick a bag up, he searched through it and pulled out a bottle, I took it from his hand and held it in front of hazel but she continued to cry, I was getting even more worried "parker why is she crying" I asked, he could detect the worry in my voice so he took hazel of me, once she was in his arms she stopped crying "what was all that noise for" Katie cooed at hazel, I shuffled a little and held my arms out again for her, parker placed her back in my arms and again she started to cry, my own daughter was crying when her mother was holding her, I looked at parker who was expressionless, I looked over to Katie who shot me a sorry expression then shot parker one the said 'do something', parker took hazel out of my arms and passed her to Katie and then walked out the room. A few minute later parker returned with a doctor as they walked through the door they we talking " your saying that when your girlfriend holds her daughter, her daughter starts to cry yet when you, her father holds her she doesn't and she doesn't when her godmother holds her" I looked to my best friend who was cooing to my daughter, a pang of jealousy shot through me, "yes that's right, could it be because Lilly was in a coma for six weeks that hazel doesn't recognise her" the doctor nodded a little and worry come over me "that could be the reason but the bond between a mother and baby can't be broken even if the mother has not held her child for, in this case six weeks, I have treated mothers who haven't held their child for over 6 months and the bond is still there, it could be possible that your daughter doesn't recognise her mother because of the hospital gown" I saw parker nod, I looked down at myself "ermm.... excuse me, doctor, would it be possible for me to have a shower and change and then see if my daughter cries when I hold after that", the doctor nodded and walked over to me, he removed all the wires that connected me to the heart monitor, I slowly got out of the hospital bed, I took one step and pain ran through me right side "oww" I cried in pain, I fell to the floor clutching my right side, parker ran over to me "Lilly are you oki" I was crying because of the pain, I shook my head, I saw from the corner of my eye that parker looked at the doctor "is she going to be oki" he gestured to me, the doctor looked at the chart at the bottom of my hospital bed "she is going to be oki but she has to be very steady, when the car hit her, it fractured a few over her ribs on her right side, from the observation she has been under, her ribs are healing really well but they are still some small fractures so she may experience some pain if she does any quick movement" I took a deep breath and used parker's shoulder to gently push myself up off the floor as I pushed myself up, parker was also helping me by having one of his hands on the small of my back and the other holding my hand, when I was stood up I took really small steps but I still had my hand pressing down on my ribs, there was still pain but the pressure of my hand pressing down on my ribs made it ease a little. I made it to where the shower was, I looked up in the shower and saw the button was to turn the shower on and I knew I wouldn't reach it, even on my toes "parker, I can't reach the button" I felt like a little child asking for help, parker came in to the shower room and stood in the shower to turn it on, just as he got out the water started to spurt out and just caught his leg "ahh" he let out a moaning sound whilst pointing to his wet trouser leg, I laughed at little "thank you, now will you leave so I can get in the shower" I gestured to my body as I wanted to take me gown off and get in the shower, parker mover closer to me and gently placed his hands on my hip "does it really matter" I looked at me "yes it matter, now get out" I raised my hand to the door a little to quickly and pain ran over my ribs, I flinched in pain and cupped my side, I saw a look in parker's eyes that sooth the pain, I saw concern "am fine now go, I want to get in the shower, I feel dirty" I looked at him with pleading eyes and he left. I took my gown of with difficulties but I managed, I was covered in bruises along my right side, I looked at them for a few minutes and then got in the shower, the warm water washed over my body and it soothed me.

Sharing a room with my boyfriend and his four brothers....oh and a baby!Where stories live. Discover now