Sharing a room with my boyfriend and his four brothers....oh and a baby! chapter 9

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(hey guys here it is I know I upload last night but as bittersweetlollipop said they wanted to push me off a cliff I thought I would upload now as I do value my life a lot. So here it is the next chapter)

Sharing a room with my boyfriend and his four brothers....oh and a baby!

Chapter 9

"guilty for the offence committed on the 8th July at 11 o'clock, you are sentence to 15 years in jail, please escort her back to her cell" the judge banged his gravel (the hammer that is banged in court cases) onto his table as the police took Helen back to her cell, she turned around "I will get you Lilly smith and THAT child of yours!" I knew she was talking to me but HA!!! She has been sent down for 15 years, I turned to the guys and they were smiling? "ermm... why are you all smiling? Your mum has just been sentenced to 15 years in jail" they all looked at me and they will still smiling "we know" max chimed "we now have 15 years of freedom" I looked at them with a surprised look on my face then blurted out laughing "freedom? Ha! You cant even tie a tie and you had to wear one for school, I think Katie and I confirmed that all of you with the exception of max can't dress yourself" I looked over to Katie who was laughing as well I looked to parker and smiled "although I did have to re-tie parker's on a morning for him before he left that house" I shoot a smirk to parker who was turning red, "hey you agreed never to mention that" he had always said he could do his own tie just to annoy his brothers "oops! Did I say that" I put my hand over my mouth to make it look like I didn't mean to, parker knew I was messing about with him but he was still embarrassed "you'll pay for that miss smith" I looked at him and smiled "make me" we stared at each other for a bit "now are we going to go home or spend the rest of the day in court" they all looked at me "lets go home" I wasn't sure who said it but I agreed, I bent down to pick hazel's carrier up but parker grabbed it before I could "let me, the nurses said you shouldn't carry anything thing heavy not until you were fully better" I wasn't calling my daughter heavy but I didn't want to take the risk of parker injuring himself "I'm fine Lilly, hazel's a feather am not going to hurt myself carrying her" I looked at him, I wasn't happy with him carrying her but I reluctantly agreed "fine".

As we walked towards Paul and my parent's car I was talking to Katie about going shopping tomorrow for paint supplies for her to paint her room, it got me thinking maybe I should paint the spare room in parker's house and turn it in to a room for hazel "mum would you and dad be able to look after hazel tomorrow for a few hours whilst I go shopping for paint supplies with Katie" my mum turned around "of course dear, if you don't mind if I gave you some money will you get me some supplies as I was thinking of doing the back room out and turn in into a room for hazel" since hazel was kidnapped I have allowed my parents into her life but only because of the help they gave but I wasn't ready for them to look after her for a full night and they knew that "its only for us to be prepared, plus we can put some toys in there for her and if she falls asleep during the day" I guess it can't hurt to be prepared "sure I guess but you will have to give me a list as you know what am like when it comes to remembering" my parent's started to laugh "yeah we do Lilly, we do" my dad said between laughter


"can I order, can I, can I, please" we were sat in a restaurant and I wanted to order our meals "please let me order" I looked for my mum to my dad who were looking between them "sure why not" my dad said "yey!, thank you, right what does everyone want" we all looked at the menu and decided what we wanted. "right I will have the chicken salad" my mum said "what are you having darling" she asked my dad who was still looking at the menu "I will have the macaroni, what are you having Lilly darling" my dad said looking at me "may I have the macaroni as well" I asked politely "of course dear, so that it 2 macaroni and a chicken salad, have you got that Lilly" my dad asked looking at me "yeah 2 macaroni and a chicken salad" my dad smiled at me and nodded.

Sharing a room with my boyfriend and his four brothers....oh and a baby!Where stories live. Discover now