18 | 🎀

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"Fuck! I said tomorrow when they live at Chicago!" I yelled as I paced around the kitchen. Evan was only laughing and not helping me at all, "Stop laughing it's not helping" I tell him with a pout. "Baby, I got you covered" He replied as he swung his phone back and forth. I read the name of Ryan on it and the recent text message saying, 'We're here'.

"You fucking planed it out great" I told him as smiled and pulled him into a hug. Evan hugs back with a smile, "Now go wake up Indigo we gotta go pick them up" he told me. I pulled away and placed a kiss on his forehead and walked to my princess's room.

-                                                                      -

"Dad, can I have my orange juice?" Indigo asks as I hear her feet banging against her car seat. I grab her orange juice from the cup holder that's on my lap and hand it to her. Indigo gladly grabs it and takes long sips, we currently were waiting for the Ohmtoonz pair in the car. They were gonna pick their luggage up and text us when they were at the parking lot.

"Okay their here" Evan says as he gets out of the car and stands beside it. "Uncle Luke is here?" Indigo asks making me look back at her. I watch her as she strains her body so she can look at the back window of the car. I hear her gasp and giggle making me smile. Indigo then starts to yell, "Uncle Luke!" And I see Luke look at the car and say something to Evan. I watch him walk towards the door Indigo was sitting beside and hear my princess's giggles. Luke pulls open the door and smiles wide, "Indigo! Boy have you grown" He tells her as he ruffles up her hair. Indigo squeals and giggles, "Uncle Lukie! I've missed you!" She tells him as her kicking increases.

Ryan's face peeks through the side of Luke's body and gives my princess a soft smile. "Hey Indigo" he says which makes Indigo look at him with a emotionless face. You could see the nervousness and disappointment in Ryan's face but it was soon covered up by a fake smile. "Um I'll just be here talking with Evan" Ryan tells Luke before he returns back to Evan.

Luke smiles softly at me and I smile back softly sending him a apologetic smile. "So how has your dad been?" Luke asks trying to make the awkwardness disappear. Indigo looks at Luke and smiles, "He's been great!" She replies him and bites at her straw. Luke notices her biting the straw and snorts, "I remember when your father used to do that when he got excited".

"Really?" Indigo asks as she turns to look at me, I nod to answer her question. "Alright then where will we be going?" Luke asks as he looks at me. "For now we're going to our place to drop off your stuff and go to the park" I reply him. Evan sits back in his seat and looks at me and Luke. "Decided where to go I assume" he says as he starts up the car. Ryan quickly enters the car, "Hey don't go thinking you'll be leaving me!" He exclaims buckling himself. Luke and Indigo laugh which makes Ryan blush with a bit of embarrassment. Luke closes his door and buckles up.

-                                                                     -

"Luke, let's go to the swings!" Ryan says tugging on Luke's arm. I chuckle as I walk alongside Evan with Indigo walking a bit in front of us. "You go, I don't want to go on them right now" Luke replied. Ryan sighs and walks towards the big set of swings, Indigo watches him a bit before running to his side. She walks beside him and sits on the swing next to Ryan's and the both swing together but in silence.

"Hopefully those two bound" Luke says as he sits at a bench. "Yeah..." I reply and grab ahold of Evan's hand. "Luke I'm going for a walk, watch Indigo for me please" I tell him as I feel Evan squeeze my hand a bit. "Yeah sure, missed taking care of that pipsqueak" Luke replies as he sits back and relaxes on the bench.

-                                                                  -

I was placing down a plate until I heard a smack and my ass stung. So I whipped around and smacked Evan as I blushed, "Not when guest are around" I told him. Evan only chuckles and blows me kisses. I sigh and smile before placing down the last plate. "Are you nervous?" Evan asks as he takes my hand and kisses it.

I smile softly, "Not really but a bit" I reply him and place my hand with the ring on his cheek. Evan places his hand with the ring over mine and leans into my touch. My heart warms up at his reaction and I lean in to place a kiss on his lips. That's when I saw the flash of a camera making me turn my head quickly. Luke and Ryan gasped and quickly ran away giggling like kids. "Luke!" I yell knowing that he was the one who had planned it. Evan stays back blushing and watches the scene unfold. Luke runs around the big couch in our living room as he uses it to protect himself.

I should have paid attention to why I was only seeing Luke and not Ryan running around the couch. "Be happy we captured your moment together when you two had the rings!". Luke yelled as he leapt over the couch and rolled on the ground. "Your not a teenager Luke" I told him, "And what do you mean with capturing our first moment?" I ask him as I approach him.

Luke lays on the floor panting for a bit, "Ryan show 'em" he says as he covers his eyes with his arm. Ryan giggles as he appears from the inside of the closet and approaches me. He holds out a photo with me and Evan kissing as our rings are visible and has a white spot at the bottom. "You can write a caption or something for it if you want" Ryan tells me as he smiles happily.  I smile and take the photo and look at it closely and then pull Ryan into a hug. "Thank you" I tell them,

"Your welcome now let's go eat" Ryan replies as he hugs me tightly.

It's a polariod photo, sorry if it was confusing I didn't know how to describe it ^^'.

Anyway! Here's your double update, came home from school and right away wrote the rest down.

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