20 | 🎀

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The day before.

I watched as Evan grabbed the last few things he'll be taking to Mini's and Tyler's place. It was going to be soon for Evan to leave and then I wouldn't be able to feel his warmth. "Babe, let's fuck before you go to Minicat's" I tell him as I wrap my arms around his waist.

Evan wiggled a bit, "I gotta go Jon, it's bad luck to see the bride twenty four hours before the wedding and we have only two minuets left". I pick up Evan bridal style, "I can do it in two minuets" I reply him.

Evan stayed quiet for a bit before replying, "Tempting" He said which was my cue so I took him to our bedroom.

Actual Day

"You look so beautiful Jonathan!" Leilah exclaims as backs away and checks me out. She then pretends to wipe away a tear, "Now we're ready" she says as she picks up Indigo's flower basket. Indigo was falling asleep in the hands of Tresa, Leilah's sister. "Indigo, sweetie wake up" Tresa said as she lifted Indigo's head.

"She was really excited that she woke up way earlier than she had to". I tell her with a nervous chuckle at the end. Tresa laughs softly and places the hair straightener down, "That's alright least I'm done curling her hair" she replied.

-                                                                  -

"Excited?" Ryan questioned when he noticed I was fidgeting with my fingers. "A lot," I reply him with a soft smile that could have been screaming that I was literally dying. Ryan giggles softly and squeezes my hand, "Deep breaths Jonathan, deep breaths" He tells me. I in hail deeply and repeat it until I've calmed a bit and hug him. "Thank you," I tell him in a whisper making Ryan pat my back.

"I learned it from someone from when I was having my big day" Ryan replied. I chuckle softly and wipe away at the tears that had appeared suddenly. "Ahh now I can really understand what you were feeling" I tell him in sniffles. Ryan nods, "Yes now wipe those tears" He says as he drags his thumb softly across my eyes. "We're here" The limbo driver said making my heart beat faster. "Already!?" I exclaim in question, "But I'm not ready!" I continue. Ryan laughs a bit with Leilah, "Circle around a bit" Ryan told the limbo driver.

I sigh softly and look out the window as the forest's view leaves and we go around the forest. "Marrying by the ocean, what a romantic and lovely place!" Leilah said as she clasped her hands together. I chuckle softly as Ryan giggles, "I agree but still wouldn't change it for the forest scenery I got with Luke". Ryan replied as he rubbed his ring, Leilah nods and looks out the window. "Where's your honey moon taking place?" Leilah asks once she takes her gaze away from the window.

"Oh we're thinking about going to Hawaii or Costa Rica" I reply her. "Those are very beautiful places" Leilah replies with a grin.

-                                                                      -

The sand felt soft under my bare feet, I was always the type to walk bare foot on the sand. And here I was doing it in my wedding suit as I made my way to my soon to be husband. I was clutching my hands tightly in front of me as I walked. I felt excitement and nervousness fill me and a bit of fear. But when my gaze fell upon his face everything went away, he smiled at me softly. Warming my heart as if he'd just wrapped an invisible blanket around me.

I felt like we were back at California's beach holding hands together as "friends". When we clearly had made us official without noticing, I saw a sparkle in his chocolate brown eyes as they saw me approaching. Excitement was shining in his eyes was they became glossy. The music was blocked out as I stared into his eyes and felt mine swell with tears. Evan cups his mouth to hold back a whimper and smiles happily at me. I giggle softly to myself and feel the tears cascade down my cheek. My princess was surely cheering but I couldn't hear her or the others. All I could hear was my heart beat that calmed down the more closer I got to Evan.

Evan extended his hand out and I placed mine on his and we both look at the minister with smiles. "You all may take your seats" The minister says as he looks over at the people. "We are here to see the union of Jonathan Denis and Evan Fong" The minister continued.

He looked back at the book and started saying the lines when you are joining two people together. Then came the bounding, when they wrapped a long string of beads over each other joining us with it. He then continued to read other lines as me and Evan share kind stares and squeezed each other's hands to comfort the other. I was excited and was waiting for the time when I'm announced at his husband, Jonathan Fong. "Evan Fong, repeat after me" The minister says as he casts his glance at Evan. "I, Evan Fong promise to love you til death due us apart" the minister said.

"I, Evan Fong promise to love you til death due us apart" Evan said as he turned to see me. I smile at him, "Now repeat after me, I Jonathan Denis promise to love you til death due us apart" the minister said. I turn to Evan, "I, Jonathan Denis promise to love you til death due us apart" I repeated.

The ring holders came up to us and handed Evan my ring. "Now Evan do you accept Jonathan Denis as your husband" The minister said. Evan smiled, "I do" he replied as he slipped the ring onto my finger. The ring holder then hands me Evan's ring. "Now Jonathan Denis do you accept Evan Fong as your husband" the minister said. I squeeze Evan's hand lightly, "I do" I reply happily as I slip the ring onto Evan's finger. The minister smiles before announcing, "I declare you husband and husband, you may kiss" The minister said. I pull Evan close to me and lean in to kiss him, meeting him halfway there.

Those who came stood up from their seats and started cheering. Whistling and hollering could be heard from Luke and Ryan. Making me and Evan pull away with laughter. I held Evan's hand as we both turned to look at our friends and family who joined us on this special day. Indigo came up to us running and leapt into Evan's arms, "My new dad!" Indigo exclaimed wrapping her arms around Evan. Evan chuckled and hugged her back happily, now we'll be a whole family for sure I thought.

The end.

—                                                                                        —

Hope you enjoyed reading it ^^

Credits to 0MrBrightside0 for the top section of the chapter. You're amazing boo.

Be sure to stick around for future books!

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