On the Road

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As we road the lack of room on the horse grew more and more apparent.

"When can I get my own horse" Arya asked out of the blue.

"You expect me to just find a horse, and let alone give ye one" Sandor mumbled.

"You're still worried i'll run away, If I left on my own I'd die, I might live a week if I had Roanna with me, I have no other family" Arya explained.

"You have an aunt in the Vale, your rich aunt Lysa" Sandor said.

"An aunt we have never met" I grumbled. 

We came across a small tavern, just a little one, run by the family who owns the house.

"Im hungry" Arya said while we all inspected the establishment from the tree line.

"We are all hungry" Arya added.

"5 horses, 5 men more than I feel like killing on an empty stomach" sandor replied.

Two men suddenly came out of the tavern, "I know him" Arya spoke, "the small one, his name is Poliver, he captured us and took us to Harrenhal..he killed Lommy".

I paused, wondering exactly what Sandor said, "What the fu*ks a Lomy?".

"He was my friend, He stole my sword and put it right through his neck....he is has it" Arya says.

There was a slight rustling, I knew Arya was walking towards the tavern.

Sandor looked around then saw Arya marching directly to the tavern.

"Get back here" he grumbled and quickly moved to go after her.

I just chuckled and walked after the two. He caught up to Arya just at the door, the door that swung open.

We shared a look with the man at the door who stepped aside to let us in. The room was quiet as we walked in, the men halting their eating and drinking, one pausing as he groped at a women, who clearly didn't want him to be.

We found a table at the other side of the room, furthest we could get from the men. Sandor sat closest to one edge of the bench, I was on his left and Arya on mine, I was in the middle.

The man that Arya said she knew looked at us after he talked with the man who owned the tavern, "I know you" he said getting up and ominously walking over.

" You're the Hound" He said taking a seat right across from Sandor, "Poor our new friend some ale" he instructed the keeper. 

The man scanned Arya and I then turned back to sandor, "What brings you so far North?".

"I could say the same to you" Sandor replied, "What you doing up here?".

"Just keeping the peace" The man smiled.

"The war is over" Sandor told the man.

"So i've heard, Stannis defeated at the Blackwater, Robb Stark killed at the Twins, and where am I for all of it, stuck with your brother, no offence" The man said to Sandor, "None taken" was all Sandor said between swigs of the ale.

"I mean he is good at what he does, but torture torture torture, it drains the fun right out of it and what's life without a little fun" The man laughed, i'm sure Arya and I were giving him the same disgusted look.

"But I don't need to tell you that aye" The man chuckled looking at Arya and I.

Sandor paused, I could see him look at us from the corner of my eye, "Their alright, had better".

The man laughed, "You know what you should come with us, plenty of people like this man between here and King's Landing, they always have something hidden away, money, more daughters".

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