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Meanwhile Eddard Stark sat injured, hungry and thirsty in the black cells under king's landing. His eyes had grown so use to the darkness it was invading to have the light of a torch growing in size. To have the space around him filled with even the little light it provided.

"I thought you'd be thirsty my lord" Varys said kneeling by the lord of winterfell.

"What are you doing here?" Ed asked

"I serve the realm, and you can't be dying in these cells, the queen speaks of letting you live out your days at the wall" he spoke.

"What of my daughters?" Ed asked after gulping down the water given to him.

"Sansa is still engaged to Joffrey, Arya has gone missing, even my little birds can't find her, I do believe she is alive though. Roanna is strong, fairing better than most in the situation, most likely for her sister's sake. The queen has been talking to the council about finding a marriage for her, to keep her close and in their control, show loyalty and such, no word of who yet i'm afraid" Varys explained.

"Thank you for telling me" Ed said looking off into the darkness, until varys walked away taking the light away.

The next morning sansa and I were allowed to attend court. I helped sansa with her dress and hair, I wanted her to feel normal as possible...even though it was not. As we walked into court the lords and ladies watched us. As we walked, even as we stood still and tried to look small, everyone looked, Joffrey, Cersei...

The squire called for any other business with the king to be brought up now. I simply had picked a wall and looked at as soon as we walked in. Sansa however had other plans I was not aware of.

"Your Grace"Sansa speaks stepping forward, causing me to look at her confused.

"You have matters to discuss?" Cersei smiled in false kindness.

"Yes, I ..I ask the King to show my father mercy" She spoke softly.

"You want me to pardon a traitor who tried to take my rightful throne?" Joffrey asked harshly, sitting up in the throne.

"No, your grace, I ...I know my father was a traitor I simply ask you show mercy, for his life. Show mercy" She pleaded trying to help,

"Sansa" I whispered as the king thought to himself.

"Your words moved me" Joffrey began, "I will show mercy to your father, IF he confesses to his crimes...." Joffrey looked to his mother then smirked at me, "And since I have showed you the kindness of keeping our engagement, your sister must also get married to a man of my choosing to show her loyalty".

All eyes turned to me, I glared at Joffrey, "Yes your grace, I am loyal and if a marriage will prove it, then so be it" I gritted out through my teeth.

"Good" Joffrey smirked in pleasure of his control.

Later the evening it was father's trail, in front of the statue of Baelor. I was standing next to sansa as father was dragged out. All the people were yelling at him, believing that he was a traitor. Father walked up and looked to me and sansa, who looked at him with reassurance.

He confessed to the crimes he did not commit and pledge Joffrey as the rightful king. I was not prepared for what happened next.

"My mother and my lady Sansa have begged that I strip you of your titles and send you to the wall...but under my rule treason will NOT be treated lightly".

My eyes widened, as I took in what Joffrey was saying.

"Bring me his head!" Joffrey called out.

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