Red Wedding

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We left not long after we rested, Sandor and I were sat at the front of the cart, it was just big enough if we sat close. Arya was sat in the back, amongst the barrels and crates filled with porks. It had grown eerily dark by the time we made to the twins, even more so by the time we made it to the front gates. We were to take on our normal fake personas if asked, Sandor was Arya's father, I her mother and she was our daughter. The cart rolled through the mud, as we rode closer and closer the the front gates. The guards at the front halted us, "Where you going".

"Got salt pork for the feast" Sandor replied.

"The feast is over" The man drawled.

All around we could hear movement and talking, yelling.

"It doesn't sound over" Sandor told the man.

"If I tell you it's over..It's over, turn this cart around and get the hell out of here" The man demanded of us.

I began to make it, trying to look inside beyond the gates and people, I looked back at Arya who looked just as worried.

"Got pigs feet to" Sandor tried further.

"Are you soft in the head, turn this cart around" The guard repeated.

Sandor held a disappointed look, meeting my gaze, when he turned to look at Arya, she wasn't there.

We moved the cart, dumping it somewhere on the grounds surrounded by tents. Sandor unhooked the horse, "Stay with the horse, don't move, I will be back".

I nodded and clutched the reins in my hands. I soon realized that yt brother's men, the Starks were being murdered by the Frey's. The running and screaming became so much. People were waving their swords everywhere, coming close to me no matter where I stood. I jumped up on the horse and grabbed a nearby banner of the Freys, and I rode the way I saw Sandor go. I met him halfway, he already had Arya over his shoulder.

"Give me that, take her" He said, taking the Banner from me and tossing Arya into my lap. He mounted the horse, seated behind me and we rode of, getting cut off by the debri and the fighting.

Through the noise I hear the chanting, "KING OF THE NORTH" over and over.

I look for the source, turning my head best I can, that is when I see it. The Frey men marching out with a spike, tied to it is my brother's body and his wolf's head is mounted in the top.

I gasp, hand covering my mouth, holding in a scream. I feel Arya move on my lap. I want to look away but I can't, I just clutch Arya to me as Sandor rides us away from the slaughter.

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