The Twins

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We were trotting our way down the road, the three of us and huddled on one horse. The day was well, and as we road down the road we stumbled upon a man whose cart had a broken wheel.

Sandor stops the horse and taps my leg telling me to climb off. I swing my leg round and jump off, he follows after then he pulls Arya off the horse as well.

"Remember what happens to children who run" sandor pointed at Arya.

I just shook my head, it was less likely she would run away when I am here, but Arya could be unpredictable.

"I'm your Father, Roanna is your mother, I will do the talking" Sandor instructed both of us.

Sandor then walked up to the man, "roads have gone right to hell, cracked three spools this morning" the man explained.

"Need a hand?" Sandor asked seeing that the cart needed to be raised.

"Need about 8 hands, OH" the man was pleasantly surprised when Sandor picked the rear of the cart up and he quickly put a new wheel on, talking of how he was bringing the pork to the twins. As soon as it was fixed and the cart was back on the ground Sandor hit the man hard across the face knocking him out. He then pulls his dagger out, I gasp and move forward just as Arya does.

"DON'T" She cries running in front of Sandror and pushing him with all her might, "Don't kill him"

"Dead rats don't squeak" Sandor said trying to move past Arya.

"Rats who have been knocked out and wake without a name nor clear image don't squeak either" I huffed from beside him.

Sandor looked at me with an annoyed face, which I just returned.

"You're so dangerous aren't you saying scary things to little girls, killing little boys and old people...real hard man you are"  Arya spoke to Sandor.

"More than anyone you know" Sandor grumbled back shifting his weight.

"You're wrong, I know a killer" Arya said matter of factly,"a real killer, you'd be like a kitten to him, he'd kill you with his little finger".

Sandor nodded and asked, "Is that him" to the man on the ground.

"No" Arya said confused.

"Good" Sandor said going to walk forward again, but Arya pushed him again.

"Don't kill him!" she raised her voice, "please...please don't".

Sandor watched her pleading face then put his dagger away, "You're very kind, someday it will get you killed".

The man stirred, groaning at the pain he probably felt in his head.

We all looked to him, Arya huffed and took a thick stick from the ground and knocked the man over the head again sending him into a black sleep.

We moved quickly and moved out things into the cart and we all boarded it.

We bring the wagon with us as we travel towards the Twins.

We stopped just over the valley, the tall towers were well in view and it all seemed so close yet so far. I was staring off at the closest tower, subconsciously walking closer to it. I stopped just of the top of the slight slope, Arya was not far behind me. I heard Arya leave and speak, I couldn't tear myself away from the sight of the twins, knowing my brother, mother, they would be there.I was only able to look away when I heard that I was being added into the conversation.

"You're both afraid you won't make it" Sandor said to Arya, nodding to me, I only just caught it as I turned to look at them.

"I know fear when I see it, seen it a lot" Sandor leans in close to Arya then leans back, eating some of the pigs feet off the cart.

Arya didn't respond at first, only watched, "I knew fear when I saw it in're afraid of fire".

Arya's statement caused Sandor to stop his chewing and stare at her.

"When Beric's sword went up into flames you looked like a scared little girl" Arya said then she slowly marched forward, "And I know why too. I heard what your brother did to you, pressed your face to the fire like you were a nice juicy mutton chop".

Sandor didn't speak at first, I could see his face was unsure, but it sooned hardened again, "That give you ideas" He said

Arya nodded.

"Well go on you might make it, maybe more so If you take your sister away from me too, she's the closest you've been to family since  your daddy's neck was chopped" Sandor spoke harshly.

I closed my eyes squinting away the mental images that popped into my head.

"Someday I'm going to put a sword through your eye and out the back of your head" Arya said monotony then walked away from Sandor. I gave a look of pity and disappointment to the both of them, I met Sandor's gaze, but I just looked back at the Twins.

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