The blue wedding

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The first week dragged on seeming longer. Joffrey had made it his mission to make mine and Sansa's lives miserables. He stopped at nothing. Today he requested that Sansa and I join him on a walk around the palace. He and sansa walked ahead, I was behind Sansa and joffrey took pleasure in making his hound walk beside me, my future husband. We didn't speak, joffrey was the only one to say anything as we walked.

I walked in a haze.

"And as soon as you've had your blood, i'll put a son in you" Joffrey's statement to my sister made me want to puke, "and The Hound will do the same i'm sure, in two weeks time, every hound needs pups" He laughed to himself, thinking himself clever.

We walked out on a boardwalk, a top the wall above were spikes topped with heads, the most prominent to me was my father's head. I flinched at the sight and turned my head down to my feet unable to look any longer. Joffrey commented about bringing us Robb's head,

"Maybe he will bring me yours" Sansa sneered.

That comment earned her two strikes across each cheek from ser meryn, by order of Joffrey of course. I watched Sansa as she eyes the Joffrey standing on the boardwalk, I could see her eyes shift. It startled me when both me and Sandor grabbed my sister's arm holding her back.

He offered her a cloth to wipe the blood from her lip and I scolded her silently in her ear for thinking of pushing Joffrey so openly.

We were allowed to wander freely after our mental torture. Sansa only wanted to be alone in her room. So I stayed with her until she fell asleep then I walked into the gardens. I sat on the cold stone bench, and as I sat in silence my thoughts of what has happened got louder. Until I felt the water forming in my eyes. None escaped, i looked at the blue carnations, thinking of the blue roses. My father had told me that blue roses were rare, but the day I was born he found some growing by the weirwood tree and brought them to my room, and they sat by my crib.

I smiled at the thought, missing him and I thought of Robb who shared that day with me.

As i stared fondly at the flowers I also was aware of a tall armored dog standing by the bench i sat on.

"This was the last place I saw my father, before he became a traitor..and lost his head" I spoke eyes never leaving the flowers, face scrunching in pain.

He didn't reply, so i turned to him.

"You should come inside girl, it's dark" He spoke monotony.

"I don't care anymore" I said, he turned to leave, but I stopped him.

"I..I want you to know the truth" I heard his armour move with him as he turned back to me. I held his gaze as I explained, "I don't think marrying you is worse than being married to your brother. I only pretended to cry and beg..I knew Joffrey would want me to...i tricked him...".

His silence was maddening, "Come now little wolf, back to your den".

I stood and walked out of the gardens with him. I don't know if he believed my confession, or if he would tell the king.

We stopped outside my door, "Thank you, Sandor" I said and not giving him time to process, I stood up on my toes and kissed his scarred cheek lightly then slipped into my room.

------ end of season one------

The next two weeks rushed by, much to my dismay. With preparations for the wedding and Joffrey's name day - that was happening the day before Sandor and I got married.

Today was Joffrey's nameday, with bold colours draping the city and festivities lasting all day long. Currently fights were the entertainment, Sandor was fighting a weakly knight from some house. Me and Sansa were under a red fabric tent with the royal family watching the brutality. Sandor cut his opponent down and his body fell off the elevated fighting grounds to the courtyard below.

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