Rose Bud

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Ever since that day i felt different, like something was off. I didn't know what, but others were starting to notice. First it was Sansa who commented that I had inhaled my first plate of breakfast and asked for another and It continued like that for all meals. My maids noticed that I would get sick in the mornings on occasion. I knew what it was the when my dresses became tight and when I didn't get my blood. I confided in Sansa of my suspicions, she was worried of course, because of where we were. I had reluctantly gone to the maester that day, to confirm, but I knew as soon as I did he would tell Cersei...who would tell Joffrey.

As I thought he confirmed I was indeed carrying a child. I had to tell Sandor, but he was with Joffrey and I didn't want to tell him infront of everyone like that. I went to the Gardens to think and wait as I usually did, it was my safe haven, and as I sat I couldn't help but think of the baby inside me. If it would be a boy or girl, what we would name them. I became giddy with the idea and it brought me pure joy and happiness, something very few things did these days. I didn't have all my siblings or my parents, but I had Sandor, Sansa and now my baby.

Sandor came to the gardens as soon as he saw I was not in our room. I smiled as he entered the little alcove and he looked at me with curiosity as to what I was so excited about.

"Why are you looking at me like that little wolf?" He asked sitting beside me.

"I have news" I smiled tightly, starting to get nervous about what he might think, Sandor isn't exactly what one would see as a man who would want children.

"By the looks of your face it's not bad news so come out with it" He said.

I stared at him not sure how to start...

"Well?" He asked trying to prompt me.

When I didn't answer right away he huffed and bent over to fiddle with his boot.

I took in a deep breath and reached for one of his hands and pulled it to rest on my belly.

I didn't look into his eyes I just breathed out, "I'm with child".

He didn't say anything I just felt his hand rub my belly and he kissed my forehead then he pulled my chin up and pressed his lips on mine.

Sandor's protectiveness of me grew more outright. Before he choose when to stand up for me when I really needed it. I supposed now he felt I needed help from others to care for me now that i was carrying a baby. Sometimes it bugged me, I wanted to practice fighting like i used to with Arya, but he refused to practice with me saying i should sit easy while with child. The maesters told me the same, so I did. Sansa was happy at the thought of having a niece or nephew, she did stress concern about me having the baby here though. I felt the same way.

"It should be born in Winterfell surrounded by the pack and the winter winds" Sansa said one day as we walked through the halls.

Sandor had overheard the conversation and pledged to me that he would get us out of here, me the baby and Sansa, if he could. To bring us back to Winterfell to our family where we belong.

Of course with all the happy things surrounding my pregnancy there was still Joffrey and Cersei. Joffrey was pleased that I was pregnant, but I'm sure for different reasons than most. Cersei seemed to understand my position, her one good quality was the love for her children and she now knew I would fight for mine.

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