Crying Hound

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When Sandor walked into the room it was silent. Roanna was on the bed laying fetal position tucked under the new clean blankets. He slowly walked up the bed and sat down, her back to him.

"Roanna" He spoke lowly, voice uneasy as he felt sad himself.

She didn't move, but her breathing was deep and even, he could tell she was awake.

He reached out and touched her shoulder, rubbing gently, "Roanna...look at me...i'm sorry". He Can hear her sobbing, her body shaking lightly on the bed.

"What do you want me to do?" Sandor asks his little rose, who doesn't say anything.

He sighs, "I'll leave you be" Sandor didn't want to leave, but he didn't know what to do, he wasn't very good at this.

Before he can stand from the bed a small hand grips his wrist. He looks at Roanna, her face red and tears falling like a waterfall.

He just looks at her with sad eyes and she flings herself on him, in a crushing embrace.She clings to him crying and speaking lightly how she is sorry and loves him. As Sandor listens to her he finds himself holding her tighter and - he would never admit it, but- he started shedding tears as well.  They stayed like that until Roanna had cried herself to sleep. Sandor laid down with her in his arms and they both slept, dreaming of what their child might have been.

Authors note:

Short Chapter, but more will be coming soon :) !!! thank you everyone.

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