An Interview with Daniel

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Name: Danieljames Domar

How long have you been writing: I started writing when I was in third grade. Wattpad wise I’ve been writing since August XD

What’s the best story you’ve ever read: I have to say Stars (Passing As Sane) By 0XxfrimohuggzxX0

What’s the first story you’ve written: Countered Reputations: Preparations? I’m not even done with it lol.

Would you like to get published one day? Yes! :D I’m in the process of doing that to my first volume.

What genre are you best at: Mystery

What’s the current story you’re working on: Countered Reputations Volume Three lol. I’ll give you the link to Volume One.

Any words of advice to readers: The more you write the more of a chance you’ll get of getting dissed so don’t mind it when people dis your work! Instead, look at what they say and try to improve off of it. If it’s just a down right insult just remember that not everybody is going to like you’re work and go on!

To read his story, click the external link over there!------->

His story is called: Countered Reputations: Preparations V.I

Summary:Countered Reputations: We are at war amongst the realms. We are at war with our friends. For now though, we shall set apart our differences and come together. We will win this war-- together. Or will he win it all? Preparations: Adam never liked the law of separation. He just didn't see why he couldn't at least TALK to Noel. After all, Noel was his Countered Reputation and he was Noel's Countered Reputation so if they were closer to each other than anyone else why separate them drastically? Adam thought for longest time that Noel and him should meet up one day and finally, because of Sinoak, they did. Now Adams up for it. Will he obey the law? Noel's curiosity has lead him on an adventure. One that he actually seemed to enjoy. Although, Noel now learns the 'why' and the 'how' in his life. Leaving him skeptical for more. Meeting Adam has brought him a long way. Secrets are uncovered and now it's up to Noel whether or not he takes this to a new level. Will Noel let Adam see the memories that Adam is oblivious to? Or more over-- the memories that Adam can't see?

Review: Wow awesome! I've been hoping to review a good fantasy! I read the whole thing, and I thought that it was absolutely inspiring! The first sentence, uh! I had to keep reading! You have me hooked, Its really really good!

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