An Interview With Michaella

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♥Name: Michaella

♥How long have you been writing?: I've been writing on Wattpad for two months.

♥What's the best story you've ever read?: It's hard to pick just one. Maybe, Believe Me I'm Lying by XxSkater2Girl16xX

♥What's the first story you've written?: Bees Forgetting To Fly was the first posted on Wattpad but my first ever book was when I was little, The Horse Club. (I laugh at it now)

♥Would you like to get published one day?:Obviously! It's been my dream since I wrote my first ever book in Primary Five...

♥What genre are you best at?: Teen Fiction

♥What's the current story you are working on?: Bees Forgetting To Fly

♥Link to story:

♥Any words of advice to the readers?: For my readers, I would say to give my story a chance. We've all read the books when the girl lives in a house full of guys, right? I would ask you all to give Bees Forgetting To Fly a chance. It's different with many twists and turns that takes my main character through a life she wishes she had never known.

To read her story, click the external  link over there!----------->

Her story is called: Bees Forgetting To Fly

Summary: Recently I have found out my mother has cancer and she didn't even plan on telling me. For this reason, I chose to get away for a while and think about what I was going to do since I now knew of her illness. Where did I go? My favourite place in the world but it doesn't have my favourite people there, sadly. I headed to live with Julia Watson and her nine sons. Boys I haven't seen in four years haven't changed that much, really. They still like to annoy me. They still have the amazing looks. And they still find ways to make my life even better. It may take me a little while but I'm sure those nine boys will knock me into shape and I'll be thinking of ways to help Mum. But it might not be that easy because they're older, tougher and hotter than I thought they would be...

Review: Aw, this is really sad, She really used wonderful descriptions to write about the lonliness of the main character. Really, a job very well done. She has a unique writing style that I like about her. It's wonderful! I applaud her for writing so very well!

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