Untitled Part 6

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It been over 4 months since Jacob and I been fooling around. He would pick me up on the days that I don't have work or school on the afternoon or on my days off from both we would go to his place and fornicate all over the place like it's going to be our last time. Jacob has become the only easy thing in my life as the semester coming to an end and graduation is approaching life is more stressful than ever.

In school people, would laugh and point at me like they never see a plus size girl before but the worst come from Marques and his friend it seems like he had told them about what happened between us cause one of them come up to me and say "I guess what they say about big girls is true so when can I get a taste" he was so loud that everyone in that was close by look at me and bust out laughing. I was so embarrassed that I get my stuff and went to my class. I text Janice asking her if she's on campus so I could leave with her.

Thank god this is my last day and graduation is in a few weeks. I've already got a couple of jobs offers but the best one are in other states. I talk to mom about them and she was not too happy about me moving so far but I reassure her that I would never move so far from them.

Jacob POV

Damn man I didn't think I could feel this way about Madison, she's very fun to be with she's loving and caring she made me whish that I didn't have a girlfriend.  She is as much as a freak as I am, with her I can relax and talk about everything and anything she never has a problem with what I wear. I don't know why a man can't see past her size I feel bad every time I drop her home after we spend sometimes together.

I know what I'm doing is wrong but once I started I couldn't stop myself. I enjoy each time I spend with her no matter what we do it's always fun. I find it hard to spend two days without seeing her. She got me neglecting my girlfriend lying to my girlfriend just so I can spend time with her. The other day I call her and she was crying and my heart was breaking, she is so stress about school but she refuses to tell me what she was crying about, I even offered to pick her up and spend sometimes with her something she never refuse before but she says no.

I'm on my way to meet up with my cousin for some drinks, since Madison didn't want to see me tonight and Lisa was out of town.

When I got to the bar Nicko was seating at the bar with Marques and some other guy. I walk over to them and take a seat.

"hey man it been a long time since you hang out with us man" Nicko say.

"I'm sorry man been working my butt off"

"yeah doing heavy duty work" Marques say I didn't bother answering him.

"damn so you the one fucking miss piggy shit man big ups to you" the other guy that was at the bar say.

"excuse me" I say turning to him.

"it's ok man nothing to be ashamed of my brother, home boy here is hitting that too" I order a drink to wash down the thing that was coming out of this guy mouth.

"shut up you guys always has something negative to say about the girl"

"it's not negative if it's true but she got that good good her shit stays wet and it's tight" I was getting heated I wanted to knock all his teeth out.

"damn Marques at your age you should learn how to keep your mouth close"

"for what, it's no secret that everyone in school knew she was a slut, fucking around just to get people to like her"

"you know what man I'm out, you know how much I hate niggas that gossip"

"who the fuck is gossiping I'm just trying tell you know that she ain't the saint she paints out to be" I look at him trying to control myself but I couldn't and I hit him straight in the mouth.

"what the fuck man" he says backing off like a damn chicken.

"I'm out of here before I do something I will regret"

I walk out the bar get and in my car drive home. I can't believe she got me foul like that she was too good to be true fucking with her cousin boyfriend she a nasty bitch. When I got home I receive a text from Madison saying she's on her way over. I didn't' answer I change my clothes put on some gym short and seat on the couch thinking about everything. I remember Melissa saying that her and marques use to be good friends but they become distance over the years. Now I see why she always look suspicious and uncomfortable when Marques was around. After a few minutes,  I heard a light knock on the door.

I get up I open the door and there stand Madison she was wearing shorts  and a black t-shirt and flip flops. I look her up and down feeling upset and at the same time I want to get her naked and enjoy her body. I pull her in closing the door behind her. I take one good look at her butt in the short's and lick my lips. I pull her to me and kiss her she opens her mouth to let my tongue explore.

Madison POV.

We had ruff sex before but never like this it feels like Jacob was hurting me on purpose. He was stroking from left to right and it hurt.

"stop Jacob you are hurting me" that's the third time I ask him to stop.

"Jacob please" now tears were coming out of my eyes from the pain. He took a few hard and deep strokes before he stops and pull out of me.

"put on your clothes and get out my house" I can't believe he's mad for asking him to stop.

"why are you mad, you were hurting"

"hurting you don't make me laugh" "you know what hurt? knowing that you a whore that's what hurt"

"Jacob what's wrong with you"

"what's wrong with you Madison, Janae is supposed to be your sister and you fucking her boyfriend that's what's wrong"

"where did you get that from" I felt like a ton of bricks just fell on me.

"fucking around so people can like your fat ass" his words was harsh, I quickly covered my body with the sheets as he looks me up in down like he was disgusted by my body.

"get the fuck out my house before my girlfriend come in and find you naked in my bed" my heart drops. "she would probably throw up looking at you naked"

"girlfriend? you have a girlfriend?" I say ignoring everything else he says.

"what you thought you were my girlfriend bitch don't make me laugh you where nothing but a quick fuck something I can get easily when my girlfriend was not around"

"take that back you don't mean it"

"get the fuck out" he yields and I jump. I get out the bed putting on my clothes and rush out his apartment. I get in mom car and speed home.

With tears blurring my vision I park the car and rush in to my room. I crash on my bed face down. I felt so low so use I know Marques has to be the one to tell him all this shit about me but why would he do that for, what does he gets out of it.

"baby are you ok I heard you come in.." mom didn't finish what she was saying when she sees me crying.

"are you ok baby why are you crying" I couldn't answer her and tell her the truth how can I tell anybody.

"come on sweetheart don't let this get the best of you only have a few weeks left before you done with all this no need to cry baby you will be graduating with you bachelor degree" she says assuming I was crying about school. I shake my head in agreement with her.

"now lay down and try to sleep tomorrow will be a better day" she says that every time I use to cry at night after my mother left. She kisses my forehead and heads out my room.

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