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Feeling like a coward for not going through with my original plan of putting an end to my pains I exited the crowded airport. Once outside the cold breeze hit my bruise face.
I smile at a face I haven't seen in years. She open her arms to hug me and I just melt in her embrace. "I miss you so much chica" my friend Pablo say and with just these words I burst out in tears "aww mamas" Pablo was my friend throughout middle and high school my only friend besides my sisters we stay friends even after he move we just don't talk often. He got a scholarship and move away for college.
I call him cause I didn't know who to call and I couldn't take the pills so he Ofer to purchase my plane ticket to come to his ATL I didn't think twice I put a few stuff in my bag grab the most important ones write my mom a letter and catch a Uber and straight to the airport

Once we arrive at Pablo nice and cozy apartment we walk in and once again I start crying I had already text him most of the things that happened over the years and he the only person that know what happened between Marquess and I believe me no one can hate that fucker more than Pablo outing on top that he was the one that told the entire school that Marquess was gay.
"Mama go take a shower I will put some food in plate for you so you can eat once you done" Pablo say
" a shower would do me really good right now but I don't want no food"
Before he can say anything I went in the direction of the shower.

"Remember we made a promise to never let this jack ass hurt our feelings" he says to me as he changes the dressing on my face. I'm not sure what Lisa cut my face with it left a pretty big cut that I'm sure would leave an ugly scar.
"I can't wait for the day that somebody beat the shit if not kill him" I told you he hated Marques. " he been making you cry for years baby girl what he did to you he deserve to be in jail if not dead" I wipe my tears and smile at him.
"Thank you Pablo even after we fall off you still have my back" "we didn't fail off we got a little too busy with life" I smiled at him.

I've been here for a little over 3 months change my number I send Janice email but she doesn't know where I'm at she told me mom been crying stay up waiting for me to come home any minute I told her I didn't want to know about anyone else but her and mom. I change my phone number as soon as I was at Pablo house
I got my diploma and school transcript mailed to me and I got a job at a really nice and prestigious law firm as a PA I did study criminal justice paralegal to be exact. The pay is nice but since I'm in a 90 days work probation the pay is not it will be once I get hired after the 90 days.
What I do at work if fill papers make calls and follow this man everywhere he's going . I'm grateful that his a very nice man he does not over work me but one thing about him he want you to look sharp and beautiful he say I go everywhere with him so I need to look good standing next to him. Let me tell you between him and Pablo they make sure I know that my curve are supposed to be shown not hidden he is an older guy with a beautiful wife that I talk to on the phone at least 3 times a day they don't have kids I don't know why but they are definitely my couple goals.
I start work every day at 8 and get home no later than 6. The office open at 9 and close at 5 but I get at 8 to get paper work's ready for the day and stuff ready for court.
I knocked softly on the Mr. Mclawrence office  door and he say "come in Madison"
"Sir I brought you your coffee and today's schedule" he didn't look up at me from the laptop in front of him "thanks seat down I need to talk to you" I got scared by his words and I pull out the chair and seat " you know you been working with me for a little over 2 months and you get terminated before your 90 days if I'm not satisfied with your work" he says that without looking my way " yes sir" my hand were sweating and shaking my heart was beating extremely fast.
"Ok with that being say  I'm not going to wait for the 90 days to take a decision" now he look up at me and when I tell you I can hear my heart going 109 miles per hour
" I like the way you work you are professional and ready for everything very organized and you always on task I like that and the fact that my wife approved of you as my PA made my decision easy" so with that being say Ms Madison Violete Charles you are hired welcome to Mclawrence law firm" I took a breath of relief i though I was about to get fired " you are the first person that got hired before the 90 days" "congratulations Madison" I heard his wife voice say coming from his cell phone "thank you ma'am thanks a lot"
" keep up the good work" she says " have a good day guys I have to go back to work I love you hun" "I love you too baby" and she hang up "now don't make me regret my decision ok young lady"
"No sir I promise you won't regret it"
I went back to my cubicle and text Pablo the good news he say he'll get some wi e for us to celebrate when I get home tonight. Oh and my salary went up almost twice what I was making before.
This man that comes in every Friday to go have lunch with mr. Mclawrence always smiling at me sometimes it makes me feel a little uncomfortable he is a really fine looking brother like I mean fine tall with a beautiful dark skin complexion a nicely groom beard the man is just beautiful I actually would call him eye candy. he never miss a Friday and that is the highlight of his week .
"Hi" he says to me as I step in the elevator I was coming from the mail room on the second floor "hi I answer I didn't want to rude and for him to go back and complain to my boss and get me fired
Why I never see you smile" I want to tell him fuck off but I have to keep it professional. "I do smile maybe not when you around but nevertheless I do smile" and he smile and I can see his perfectly nice teeth and two dimples and I didn't even realize I was smiling until he say so " you should smile more often you look even more beautiful when you smile" by the time I reply the elevator door open and he step out I walk to my cubicle as he walk in the office. By the time I could see down my boss was calling me which is odd cause when ever this guy get here they leave. " yes sir" i quickly answer " can you come in my office please" I pick up the letters that I just pick up from the mail room and bring them with me to his office.
"Yes sir you call me"
"Yes come in" I nervously walk in his office with the guy seat on the couch going through some papers
" won't be going out to lunch today there's some thing we need to go over so I will need you to call Elise Restaurant and order lunch and have the deliver it"
"Yes sir what should I order"
"Just call from my office phone once you say my name they would know what I want and get yourself something to eat" I did as he say and hang up the phone and he signal for me to come seat on the chair across from the couch so we can start going over the paperwork's "you have a beautiful name" the guy from the elevator say and I look at him "oh yeah I never introduced you guys up  Madison this is my nephew Ami're he's a businessman he didn't want to follow into he's uncle footsteps but he was more into investing" my boss say I smile shyly the food arive we ate and work we were working on a new contract for Mr. Amire cause he was about to invest in a new hotel building where he is about to be the co-owner and from the look of it this man is making a nice leaving for himself for all his investments and his uncle makes sure he only go in for the big money.

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