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If I'm pregnant why I never have no symptoms why my stomach never gets big
I have so many questions for the doctor
"I'm getting fired aren't I"
"I told you my uncle would never fire you and if he did I can take care of my woman"
"Ami're no" he raise his brow
"Wait you didn't Was gonna walk away did you" he says with a concerned look on his face

The doctor decided to keep me overnight for observation due to the fact that I was very anemic. The doctor told me the reason why I haven't realized that I was pregnant was because I never have a relationship menstrual cycle and I didn't realize my stomach was getting big due to my rapid weight lost cause I wasn't eating good and taking care of myself. God know if I knew I was pregnant I would have had an abortion I don't want anything that would remind me of my pass. I don't know how I should feel about this baby.

later onto the night Pablo came him and Ami're stayed the entire night in the hospital with me. I didn't have too but for some reason I explained everything to Ami're he made me feel comfortable enough to tell him my life story and the way he was so understanding scares me.
"Madison I'm not saying this just for saying it yes I haven't known you for to long but in the little time we spent together I see that you are a wonderful caring loving and hard working woman and it didn't take time for me to start having strong feelings for you and when I say I want to be a part of your life and the baby life if you allow me to be I'm not lying I mean it"
I look over at Pablo who was on the chair crying I don't know what to say and how to take all this. Do I deserve this should I allow this man to do this
"I can't let you do this this is not your responsibility" I started crying as I feel the world come crashing on me
"Baby you don't have to ask me to do it Maddi I want to do this with you please don't push me away that's all I'm asking for"
I was actually in the hospital for 3 days and Ami're never leave my side not even yo go to work when I get out he refuses to take me home but after we talk about it he agreed to take me home.
I feel uncomfortable and scared of the way Ami're been treating me why is he being so good to me.
I decided to go back to work since the doctor says it was ok for me to do so.
Back at the office everything was normal. Mr. Mclawrence look a little mean at time every time I go in his office he gave me a mean look and no longer talk to me nicely the was he use to anymore and I really feel uncomfortable about the whole situation but besides that work was the same. I dress a little more comfortable and the doctor was right I do have a baby bump I just never realized cause I'm big. I haven't wrap my head around the fact that I'm pregnant yet but I'm doing ok so far.
After work I would catch a Uber home take a shower and either wait on Ami're to come over or be on the phone with him until he gets to the house and I can't tell him not to come he makes it his job to come and make you I'm ok

"Don't worry about the what if Maddy just go with the flow the man res care for you he shows it to you every day he makes sure to take you to work every day cause you refuse to stay home he would even sleep over when I'm not home to make sure you ok he would fulfill your every cravings what more can he do to show you that his in this with you"
"Pablo I don't know this doesn't feel right"
" babe all you life man push you away they use you and treat you bad now that you find a good man exactly when you need him the most let him be good to you"
" Pablo I'm pregnant with another man's baby 6 months pregnant Pablo 6 I can't do that to him"
"What exactly are you doing to him he wants this Mad he's not complaining what is it hun don't you like him don't you want him"
"I do you know I do that's exactly why I can't be with him"
"Why are you beating yourself up"
Me and Pablo talk and talk about this but I won't let Ami're do this my conscience won't allow to do this to him this baby is my responsibility my problem no one else.
I check my email to see that Janice emailed me updating me on how everyone doing on how hard it is for her to watch mom cry and blaming herself for everything and not knowing what happened to me.
I didn't reply to the email this time as guilt fills my heart.
"Hi baby"
Ami're push my bedroom door open and walk in with a gift bag flowers and a teddy bear in his hand
He walk over to the bed an place a gentle kiss on my lips
"How you doing today sorry I didn't come earlier"
"It's ok"
He place the flower on my lap and seat the bag next to me
"Thanks for the flowers what's in the bag"
"I got our baby something"
Our baby no I look at him no no no "Ami're no I don't want you to be doing all this and this is not our baby this is my baby you don't have to do this" I say getting angry
"Baby listen this is our baby ok just look at what in the bad ok"
" we need to talk about all this"
"Yes ok we will talk but look at what's in the bag" he say with so much excitement in his voice
I give him one good look and pull the bag and pul whatever was in it out" it was baby clothes
"Aren't they cute" he sound so happy
I pull more stuff out there were baby booties hats clothes
"Where did you get all this from"
"I found a cute little baby store by the new hotel in downtown I went em and see all this cute stuff when I told the lady that my girlfriend was pregnant she was more than happy to help me pick a few stuff"
"They are cute"
"I know right maybe over the weekend I can take you and we get more stuff"
I push everything to the side and get off the bed
"What happened you don't like them" Ami're stand up and ask
"Ami're it's not that I don't like them it's just that I don't need you to do all this and what do you mean by your girlfriend is pregnant when do I become your girlfriend
"Maddi why you keep shouting me out why you keep pushing me away"
"Because you doing to much and it makes me uncomfortable I don't like it" I started crying
"I don't need you all up in my business I can do this alone I don't need your help please stop all this is driving me crazy I need you to stop
I cry some more Ami're try to touch me but I took a step back
"Ok what do you want me to do" he asks
"Stop doing all this I don't want your help I don't want you bombarding me with calls and text all day long check on me and the baby" he didn't say anything
"It irritates me so please stop"
I can see he was hurt by what I say but I didn't care
"Ok if that's you really want I'll stop"
"Please I don't want all the call and text ok stop it and please stop coming here every day" I don't know if I even mean half of the stuff I said.
"Now leave please cause I want to sleep and you can take these back"
"I'll leave but no I won't take them back cause they were a gift for the baby but I'll go"I did say anything I just watch him get up to leave he walk towards the bedroom door
"I'm only one call away" he says before leaving

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