Untitled part 4

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I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing I roll over the bed and grab it from the night stand thinking I was having a wet dream of Jacob like I usually do.

"hello" I answer with my eyes clothes.

"Madison Violet Charles can you tell me why you not home at this time in the morning" my mom voice boom through my ear.

"mom I'm in my bed sleeping" 

"young lady do you think I'm stupid I got home an hour ago and your sisters couldn't tell me where you were" I slowly open my eyes to see where I was and this look nothing like my room. I started to panic.


"what's wrong" I take a deep breath then I look on my side and see a sleeping naked Jacob right next to me.

"let me call you back I'm on my way home right now" I hang up the phone not waiting for her to answer.

"fuck, this was not a dream. Damn mom going to kill me" I push the cover of off me and try to get up from the bed. As soon as I turn my body to put my foot on the floor a sting of pain hit me between my legs. fuck I curse myself. My whole body hurts.

"fuck" I curse again when I get off the bed.

"are you ok" I heard Jacob say from behind me. and I turn to look at him then see his eyes all over my body, I quickly cover my breast with my hands.

"yeah I'm ok"

"ok come back to bed"

"no, I have to get home"

"why you don't have to go to work until later"

"I know but I still have to go home"

"ok let brush my teeth and put on some clothes then I take you home"

"no, it's ok I'll get a Uber" I move toward my clothes which was laying on the floor I was so sore I couldn't bend down to pick them up.

"for fuck sake, what the hell he did to me last night, shit" I whisper to myself.

"no baby I didn't do anything to you. I just fucked you hard like you ask me to" I can't believe he just say that. I quickly pick up my clothes I couldn't find my underwear I put my bras and my shirt.

"I can't find my underwear" I say to him.

"are you sure it should be with your clothes" he gets off the bed to help me look for it with no success. Not wanting to waste more time I put on my pant without it and call for a Uber. It didn't take 5 minutes for my ride to be outside.

"you not going to give me a kiss goodbye" he says, I smile shyly at him then kiss him on the cheek and walk outside.

When I get home, mom was seating on the couch in the living room with a cup of coffee in her hand waiting to give me the speech of the century. I've heard her give it to my sisters almost every weekend. I have never been out my house past midnight and that's usually work related or school related.

"when did you start following your sister's footsteps" was the first thing that come out her mouth. I already come up with a good excuse for her when I was on my way home.

"I went to one off my class mate for a study group then fall asleep I'm sorry"

"when did you start going to study group that goes past midnight" I could swear she was the one who told me to go out meet new people make friend now she's preaching me.

"I know I told you to go out and meet people but not to stay all night with them" I hate when she read my mind.

"I hope that study group was all about study nothing more" she looks at me like she was trying to see through my soul.

"of course, it was mom"

"I hope so" I smile at her and trying to walk as straight as I can to my room. When I get to my room Janae was fast asleep thank God.  I take of my clothes and go take a shower. When the warm water hit my body, it felt so good. I wash myself trying to ignore the pain and the blood that was coming from between my legs.

"lord why did I ask him to go harder" I say to myself under the water. I don't know where I found the courage to say the type of stuff that was coming out of my mouth' it's like the minute Jacob touch me I became a stranger to myself I couldn't stop him. I beg for him to do stuff to me that should be illegal. It's like he never get tired and he would go all night if I let him, three rounds were all I could handle.

After my shower, I put on a long extra big t-shirt and climb into my bed. When I wake up from my nap I check my phone I had two miscalls and five text from Jacob I text him back and get off my bed it was past one and I start work at three. I rush out of my bed run to the bathroom wash my face and put on my uniform.

"hey Janice can you take me to work" we only have three cars in the house which Janae and I had put money together and bought one and mom had got Melissa and Janice one for school. But since I'm always at work and school Janae would drop me off most of the time and picks me up unless I have school and work on that day.

"ok let me get my bag" while she went in the room to get her stuff I grab a yogurt in the fridge and a banana.

"so tell me where were you last night" she asks as soon as we get in the car.

"in a study group"

"that's the lie you told mom" she looks at me and push on the gas out the drive way.

"I don't know what you trying to say"

"I just want to know who you spend the night with and what they do to you cause you walking funny"

"you lying I'm not walking funny"

"so you did do something"

"come on don't tell nobody ok I'll tell you everything when you pick me up latter"

"ok now get out the car before you late to work"

"thank you babe" I rush out the car and power walk inside the building where I work as a front desk clerk. My job is not that hard is just the people really know how to get on my nerve. The day went by very slow for a Saturday it was surprising. I didn't have much to do I chat a little with the security guard and the door man. I was not ready to tell Janice who I spent the night with but she was the one who I was closer to and that I could tell anything and would understand. After my shift was over I stand outside for like 15 minutes before Janice come to pick me up.

"hey babe" she says to me.

"I'm so tired"

"was it busy today"

"no not really it's like they know I was in too mush pain to deal with their bullshit today and not show up"

"so sis why are you in so much pain" shit why did I have to say that.

"I will tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone not even mom"

"I promise and you know I never tell your busyness I'm not Melissa" she right you can't tell Melissa shit.

"ok last night I went out with somebody and one thing leads to the other I wake up naked in his bed"

"wait a minute you end up in bed with somebody so you have a boyfriend and you never told me about him damn that hurt, to know I never kept a secret from you"

"I don't have a boyfriend Janice we just went out and we did things after that"

"wait a minute you lost your virginity to somebody that was not your boyfriend what the fuck"

"I was not a virgin" I lie embarrass because I was the only one that was a virgin out of all four of us.

"lord you about to give me a heart attack with all them secrets girl"

"let's drop this ok"

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you is just that we always talk about everything"

"I know it was too embarrassing to talk about"

"ok I won't pressure you about it"

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