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After Ami're finally take me home the next day I was glad Pablo wasn't home so I took of my clothes and lay in bed and I was so sleepy like I haven't slept in months
Back to work everything was normal beside me feeling like his uncle know something about what happened. Ami're and I text a few time during the day but I didn't let him distract me from doing my job. Now my tiredness got worse but body is just not wanted to do anything I'm falling asleep at work. I haven't Ami're since he drop me off at home Saturday morning and today is Friday and I know his coming for lunch with his uncle today. Speaking of the devil he just walk out of the elevator with a big stupid smile on his face and walk straight towards me and peck me on the lips. " are you trying to get me fired" I say looking around to see if anyone sees what he did " my uncle would never fires you and if he did i would hire you on the spot" he kiss me again before walking over to his uncle's office.

" babe you have to go see a doctor" Pablo says to me "you look sick you loosing weight "
" I like that I'm loosing weight Pablo"
" yes babe I know but it's happening to fast and you been complaining a lot about being extremely tired lately" I disregard what he was saying and I left for work
I got to the office and go straight to work cause today is a busy day we have to go to court and I'm going to see Ami're after work we going on a date.
Court went well we win the case of course like we always do.
We went  back to the office to go over a few more stuff before we go home the minute I step out the elevator my body just give up on me and I see black
When I regain consciousness I was in a hospital be hook to a machine and an I've connected.
I can see my boss out with his wife passing around. A nurse came in
"Hey sweetie how you feeling" she ask
" a little light headed"
"After you get this IV you should feel better but I'm going to need you to take care of yourself more ok"
"I will"
"Cause this late in the pregnancy you have to take it easy specially with you being anemic" the nurse say . Wait a fucking minutes what
" wait I don't think I heard you correctly come again you say this late in What"
"Being anemic is... " and I gave her the bitch you fucking lying look
" I'm guessing you didn't know you were pregnant"
" hell no cause I'm not I can't be check the name again you probably got the wrong person"
" no dear I didn't you are Madison Violet Charles right"
I look at her like she was growing a dick on her face
"Honey we did a few blood test and they came back positive and we also did an ultrasound and you are about 27 weeks pregnant" i can't be how when why I have so many questions that no one but myself can answer how I didn't know.
"I'll be right back ok"
As soon as she walk out my boss and his wife walk in he have a look of disappointment in his face but she looks happy.
"How you feeling dear you scared the shit out of us excuse my French"
"I was looking at my boss and I couldn't answer as I can feel my tear coming out and everything that happened that I try to buried in my pass come rushing down on me
"Does my nephew know that you are carrying another man's baby"
"Come on Lucas this is not the moment for this"
He yelled and I jump
"On Lucas now you about to make me get mad at you step outside and calm yourself down cause you stepping out of character" he listens to his wife and go out
"Listen dear I'm not here to judge you cause I don't know your story you seems like a very nice respectful young lady I like and respect and this is not the time for blames or lecture I want you to get well and back on your feet. While she's talking I see Ami're walk in and I see his uncle talking to him and I just want to be dead at that moment.
They talk for a moment my boss pat him in the back before walking away Ami're open the door and walk in he gave his aunty a hug and walk over to the foot of the bed and looked at me I couldn't control my tears anymore "I'll be outside" she walk out
Ami're was about to say something but I didn't let him
"I swear I didn't know I wasn't hiding from you or trying to pin it on you I don't know I would have ...." He didn't let me finish
"Babe crying is not what you supposed to be doing right now" he came closer and rub my hand now I'm subbing he pull me up into a hug "listen right now I want you to get well than when you feel good enough you can tell me whatever you think I should know or whatever you want to tell me but right now lèt get you better first ok" he say and kiss my head. Why is he acting that way why is he so calm about it.

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