42. Finally

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"No, Beam. What can you do to prove your love for our Forth?


I must be crazy.

I have no idea what has gotten into my fuck up mind when I confidently gave that reply. I was so fired up at that moment, so when I heard those words that seemed to challenge me, I jumped into it without even thinking of its consequences like a moth attracted to a fire. I just realized what I did once I have reached home and replayed the conversation I have with Forth's mother where I feel like I have signed my death warrant. 

Seriously? Who's in the right mind would agree to a condition crafted by your boyfriend's parent who is apparently hated you to your finest system? I suppose, only me. 

It's not that bad, actually. The condition I got myself in. I just love to exaggerate things. However, imagine yourself entering the cage of ferocious lions, do you think you could still come out in one piece? 

My father once told me that my shamelessness would eventually end me up in dump site. I just laughed it out, unaware that I would really be in the situation.


I throw myself in the couch, completely drained of energy. Meeting Forth's parents enervates my whole system. And now, because of my own idiocy, I can no longer escape their talons. 


But I think it's the best since I have been running away from them for a long time. Forth understood why I couldn't face them again after our first encounter, and he didn't actually mind whether I bravely fought for our love to his parents or not, as long as I will stay loving him as he is too. I might be a smartass and all but, to tell you honestly, I'm not that dauntless as Forth. I act tough, yet I'm scared af, especially when our relationship is at stake.

I'm pathetic, right?


"According to old people, you lose three seconds of your life every time you sigh. You already lost 3 seconds of yours."

I abruptly turn to the direction of that deep baritone voice which I love hearing all of the time. Forth is leaning on the wall beside the front door while Luk Luang (A/N: Royal Child), the name of mechanical dog this tall engineer has made to cheer me up when I was at my down moments, is hovering around his feet. (Don't ask me who has given that name. It's the creator's idea, of course -_- for it's considered as our child according to him. Although I'm calling it 'Hobby Bear' because...I just want to. It's cuter than Luk Luang, you know.) It was beside me a while ago since it's the first thing that greet us every time we get home. I haven't noticed its disappearance as it goes to its creator who I  haven't also noticed his arrival. 

How long am I spacing out? I don't know. Nonetheless, his presence brings me back to myself, and get dissed him.

"It's a natural response of the body. An average adult sighs involuntarily about 12 times every hour," I say, cocking my head to the side to get a better view of him as he walks and sits next to me. "Would you like me to explain why?"

Putting three plastic bags on the coffee table, Forth sniggers and playfully remarks, "Yeah, right. I shouldn't have mentioned things Khun Ying has explanation of."

"You should be. I might look like someone who's just goofing around the class, but I was actually listening to the professors," I loftily say, then start ransacking the plastic bag he brought. "What are these?"

"I thought, you would forget cooking our dinner. So, I dropped by at your favorite food stall and bought those."

Inside one of the plastic bags are four packed of my favorite garlic crispy pork, the other is custard fruit cake, and lastly are some papayas and green mangoes. 

Engineering Moon and the Crazy Doctor [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now