25. Things I couldn't give

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"P'Beam," calls the woman who's sitting on the bed to get my attention from aimlessly wandering of my eyes to the state-of-the-art clinic of the campus.

I boringly glance at her sideways. She's a pale woman with big doll eyes, slightly pointed nose, and full lips. Her small face is framed by her shoulder-length hair; nevertheless I could recall her so well.

She might have cut her hair short, but she's the same woman back at that dreary pub where our moon friends thought I had tried to flirt with though she's obviously into Forth. Also, based from the injury she has, she's the woman riding on Forth's bike yesterday whose hands slithered like a snake around Forth's body, the same way those hands touched him when he helped her get to one of the bleachers a while ago (I guess, she really has the blood of a snake).

That woman... she's the reason why I had an uneven cheeks back then. She's also the reason why I am acting like a fool when she's with Forth, yet I have no idea what comes into my fuck up mind for choosing to bring her to the clinic on my own once I noticed that her injured foot is starting to swell.

I should have just let it. It's her fault anyway. I saw her intentionally stepped that foot on the floor, and I don't know what her aim goal for doing it.

"What?" I nonchalantly ask.

"Thank you for taking me here," she says in a sweet tone which I almost roll my eyes.

I remember how the other members of hazing team have reacted when I implicitly insulted her a while ago. It's like she's their angel that must be protected from evil creatures like me.

However, I could see through her.

I've been with different women with different personality before. I know who are showing their true selves and who are hiding behind their façades. Who have a genuine intention, and have a secret agenda. Though I love flirting with women back then, I usually avoid the latter kind of woman for they are the dangerous one. You will never predict when they will attack.

And the woman I am with right now is a perfect example of them.

I move my chair to turn at her direction so that we are facing each other. She smiles sweetly that if other men could see it, they would probably lay a red carpet on her feet in a blink of an eye. She's beautiful, no one can deny it. She does look like an angel...

... with a big horn instead of a halo

(I am wondering whether I really tried to flirt with her)

"Cut the crap, missy. I know you didn't want me to take you here..."

I noticed her recoil as I told them to bring her here by myself. It's only for a split second, yet it's enough to see the disappointment on her fucking pretty face.

"...Tell me, honestly. You have someone else in your mind to take you here, haven't you?" I ask calmly though my blood is boiling at the probability she has the same person in mind as mine.

Was it her agenda for hurting herself?

"What are you saying, P? I don't know what you're talking about," she replies, still smiling.

My brow jerks up.

"Acting like a dumb, huh? It doesn't suit you, honey." I look around. We're alone. The nurse must have thought we're fine on ourselves to leave us. "No one's here except for the two of us, so you can now drop your mask. You must be feeling tired wearing it all day."

Her eyes wander as if to check whether I'm telling the truth. Once she realizes that we're really alone, her angelic smile is gone in an instant as her eyes return to me with a clear hatred.

Engineering Moon and the Crazy Doctor [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now