12. They all know

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After the torturous hours of listening to lectures, jotting down notes, and discussing it to my fellow soon-to-be-doctors, our classes have finally ended this day. It ends earlier than the time we are anticipating. I know we shouldn't be happy about it because it will mean of another make-up sessions in the future. But who cares?! I just like to go to the practice hall where the moons and stars are practicing right now. I'm eager to see our N'Wayo!

Since Pha still hasn't had an idea that his beloved Nong is just actually around, Kit and I rush to the practice hall without waiting for Pha. Our teacher asked him to stay for a while because there was something he would like to discuss with him. So we left him alone. Hahah!

Once we arrive at the place, my eyes quickly scan the moons who are busy practicing. It doesn't feel right to say that I'm looking at those moons instead of those stars. However, I'm really here to meet the moon of the faculty of science. This is the first time I'm looking for a moon. N'Wayo must be honoured.

"There he is, beside the tall man wearing gray shirt," Kit told me.

I look at the person he's pertaining, and my jaw literally drops as I finally see him. N'Wayo is really different from before! Gone are those oversized black rimmed eyeglasses of his, blue braces, and numerous pimples. His skin is still rosy-white but seems to be much smoother. And Kit is right. He becomes cuter. He's even cuter than the other stars. If I didn't know that Pha likes him, I might flirt with him. Heheh! No wonder Pha hasn't recognized him. He's not the same awkward N'Wayo we know. My eyes really couldn't believe it.

Kit and I decided to wait at the bench outside the practice hall where the sophomore moons who do not have classes for today are staying. I secretly check if the moon from the faculty of engineering is present. Luckily, he seems to have still a class. I sigh in relief.

Honestly speaking, after what I did, I don't know how to act in front of him nor face him. It has been two days since it happened and he said that he's fine with it. However my conscience keeps on telling me that I'm a horrible person for doing it to a wonderful person like him. I want to do something for him to make it up for what I did, but I have no idea what I should do.

Should I buy him a gift? But what kind of gift for his kind of person? Should I treat him a lunch? I think it will be awkward... Should I let him do whatever he wants to do with me?... Oh, that's more awkward!! So what now?! I can't even text him back!

Hays! Whatever! I'll just do the usual things I do when I see him though these moons are teasing me for having the guts to mess up with Forth. He could be so scary, you know, especially those sharp eyes of him.

Anyway, going back to Pha's beloved nong, they are given 10-minute water break by the instructor. They will also be singing and dancing on stage. I'm telling you, our N'Wayo is much better dancer than Pha. Hah!

There's a big smile on my face when I approach him the moment he goes out to refill his water bottle from the water fountain outside. He's a bit startled by me. I suppose, I was wrong for thinking he's no longer awkward. He's still this awkwardness, but just a little.

He greeted me by wai-ng. His brows furrow as he might be wondering why I approach him. He seems not to remember me, until Kit comes.

"P'Beam!" he blurted out.

"Finally, you remember..." My smile widened. "I almost not recognize you, N'Wayo."

"And he keeps on asking if it's really you," Kit added.

N'Wayo shyly smiled at us. I think I sighed because of it. He looks so adorable, I just want to bring him home!!

"Not really, P. Hehe. You're still more handsome, krub."

Engineering Moon and the Crazy Doctor [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now