14. Not again

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Going to a beach for an outdoor shoot is not really my cup of tea, especially when riding to a close up vehicle like the bus that will be our mode of transportation today. I prefer the stillness of greenland while speeding on my high engine motorbike where I can feel the gushes of the wind on my face and body. But, I can't possibly do that, since I was assigned to be in the bus to take care of these juniors. I guess, the staff thought I could control them from messing around with my glare so, they put me here...

At exactly 8 am, an hour before our departure, I arrive at the school's front gate where will be our meeting place. When the bus has finally shown up, some of the staff has started to organize the freshmen. Meanwhile, I help the others to load our things in the compartment of the bus.

We are still in the process of loading the things of the others and the things we will be using for the shoot in the compartment when a white CR-V pulls over a few meters across where the bus parked. Though, the windows are heavily tinted, I know exactly who its owner is.

Kit alights first from the passenger's side then, walks to the driver's side to knock on its window. It seems like the owner has no intention of going out if not his friend forces him to. Obviously, they are waiting for their another friend, Pha.

Beam lazily strecthes out his limbs after opening the door. His bored eyes scan the area where the commotion of moons and stars is happening until his eyes find mine... Then he abruptly turns to his friend, Kit, as if he has not seen me and in an instant, his eyes are full of excitement while pointing at those stars.

What. The. Heck?!

I almost snort at this impossible person.

Beam has always been liked this for the past few days. Whenever our eyes would meet or bumped into each other in the practice hall, he'd always be the first to avert like he has not seen me or he has found something more interesting to watch and discuss about. He'd also smile brightly to everyone as if this world has finally attained its peace, except me.

Honestly, I am starting to not understand him at all. What the hell is his problem with me? I thought, we had finally reconciled after those messages, but it's not. It even becomes worst! Is he playing with me? Is he trying to mess up with my mind? Because if he were...

He is succeeding to...

...Especially the time he interrupted my so-called date...

Our friends have thought that Beam tried to seduce the woman, N'Dream, I was with that night he got himself so drunk. However in reality, he did not.

He did not seduce nong Dream nor flirt with her to get her away from me that night. Actually, he was telling N'Dream to keep away from me because (according to him) I wasn't ready for any relationship so she must not hope of getting another date. I was busy with my duty in moon and star competition, with my studies, and with my family (that's also according to him though I didn't know where did he get those), therefore N'Dream should not distract me.

N'Dream thought that he's talking nonsense (it's really nonsense) because we had just talked about our school life and I had told her that though I was busy, I still had time for other things. But, Beam became more persistent. He had tried to convince N'Dream of not dating me...

I knew that I should have stopped him from blurting things, yet I couldn't do it... I found it enthralling...Beam telling a girl to go away and not to flirt with...If I didn't tell myself to stop assuming when it comes with Beam, I would presume that he's jealous.

Nevertheless, I know he's not and he will never be because he will never like me...

And I am done hurting myself...

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