3. Crazy Doctors

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(Beam's POV)

For the past few days, there is something I just want to yell...

I want to quit!!

Why are all of our subjects felt like torturing us?! We're freshmen! Freshmen! but I think, they're teaching us senior subjects. We also have quizzes every week, and home works, and lab works...

Can I strangle Pha for bringing us to this hell? He's lucky because he's soooo smarttt!

However, at this moment, all the sufferings and tortures must be forgotten. Even the other faculties stop everything they're doing, because today is the big day. The big event everyone is waiting for.

It's the Moon and Star Competition!

Yey! A break from stress... for us. But not for the moons and stars.

Pha told us that they have to be in the venue at 4 in the morning for the final briefing and practice. He doesn't bother to drag us along with him since it's too early (Bless him for thinking it). But still, Kit and I go early to the venue to cheer for him, and Pring, our star (she's gorgeous as her name. I tried to flirt with her but she likes Pha, of course!).

We sneak at the backstage to snoop around, since the facilitator don't seem to mind. Or maybe they thought we're part of the competition? (Hahaha!)

We would like to know if there are other stars who fight over Pha again. Last week, two stars tried to get Pha's attention which resulted to their brawling. Five staff had to pull them away from each other to stop them. Kit and I should be worried, but we found it entertaining (were we bad?). Afterwards, those women were removed from the competition by the committee.

We find Pha sitting on a corner. He's done with his make-up and other stuff. I thought, he's feeling anxious right now, but as we reach him, he's sleeping soundly!

"So, he's not nervous at all," I incredulously tell Kit.

"It's better. At least, we don't have to worry about him," he says.

A grin is formed on my lips as a crazy idea pops out of my head. I take out my iPhone and start taking selfies with him.

"Oi! Are you crazy?" Kit hisses at me.

Instead of stopping, I even include Kit in the selfies. Kit poses a V sign. See? He wants it, too. He just loved to fuss a lot.

I change it to video mode, and we act as if we're partying, until Forth comes.

"Having fun?" he smilingly asks.

I gesture for him to keep quite then join him with our little party. He is still smiling as he is shaking his head as if he couldn't believe at our craziness.

He parties along with us.

Suddenly, Pha opens his eyes, and we abruptly turn to different directions, pretending like nothing happened.

"Oi, Ai'Pha! You're awake!" I feign a surprise look.

"What are you doing?" he lazily asks as he straightens his back.

"Cheering for you, right, Ai'Kit?"

"Yup. We're here to cheer for you," Kit couldn't stop grinning as well.

Pha gives us a boring stare. He seems to know what we did. Well, We're always doing it at him because he loves to sleep a lot. He notices that Forth is with us.

"Ai'Forth. Are we starting?"

Forth has to cough to stifle himself from laughing out loud. Luckily, he knows how to zip his lips about what we've done.

Engineering Moon and the Crazy Doctor [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now