15. Just like a dream

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I feel so helpless and pathetic.

I'm fully aware that whatever I am feeling has no point at all. It's like a ship that sails in a vastness of the ocean without a direction. You don't know where it will go nor will it reach a proper destination... Again and again, I'm lost in this damnation.

I told myself that I have gotten over him...that I have left all the feelings the night I said goodbye. But, why does everything seem to be going back at me?

I dated some gorgeous girls, I got myself busy with the school works and as part of the hazing team, I focused with my duties as the mentor of our recent moon...however, it isn't enough to forget the person who's disorienting me like this. Just a single act from him, my world has turned upside down again.

Oh!! I'm really a fool!! I'm a fool for falling for the same person over and over again, though I know he could never be mine...



All throughout the journey in the bus, I didn't speak to anyone nor did they try to speak with me. I have no idea, what do I look like for them not to approach me, but at least it keeps me from others because I'm really not in the mood to interact with them.

When we arrived, the resort personnel have warmly greeted us and helped us with our things. I heard, this hotel is one of the major sponsors for the moon and star competition this year and the owner is a friend of the admin of the school, therefore, they are treating us well. They have given us the best accommodation the resort has.

Meanwhile, the school staff have gathered the moons and stars at the cozy lounge to give the instructions for today's activity. Yo, the moon of the faculty of science, hasn't come yet. I wonder how slow they have driven the car for us to be earlier than them when they have left earlier than us. I bet, Beam is so bored to death since he's known for driving his car fast...


Oh, crap! Why am I thinking about him again?!


I think, I have to smoke... But, I didn't bring any cigarette... Perhaps, I'll just buy at the nearby 7eleven I saw a while ago. I ask my fellow sophomore moon and friend to come with me.

At the exact moment we leave the resort, is the arrival of the white CR-V.

I suppose, I'll be staying at 7eleven for a while. Anyway, there isn't much to do right now.


While we are at the store, my friend decided to buy booze to fill up our room for tonight. We shouldn't be doing it as we are here to help and not to feel like we're on a vacation. But who cares? We can drink to death when we are done with our assigned tasks. This is the point of an outing, anyway.

They are already starting with their photoshoot when we head back. We are lucky because no one will notice our plan. My friend said, he'll be quietly inviting the others after we put the alcohol in our room...

But, I forgot to tell him not to invite those crazy doctors...
The worst part is, the one I mind drinking with today among those crazy doctors is the one who only shows up.

Beam said, Kit will follow. He just accompanies Mingkwan because according to Mingkwan, I asked him to buy ice. What the heck?! I don't remember telling Mingkwan to buy ice for we already have. I just told him to call his seniors for we have to start our session early because he forced us to let him join after he has eavesdropped our conversation. I don't want him to look haggard for tomorrow's shoot, so he still needs to sleep early. And for him to do that, we have to begin the session right away.

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