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(I'm going to skip, even more time XD, one month later.)

Kaz and Inej sat on the porch in a swing bench, Margaretha playing at their feet with wooden dolls. Kaz reached a handover and put it on Inej's stomach, which was about half of Inej now. She put her hand on top of his, leaning into him, a content smile on her face. Kaz looked down at her, kissing her head. He could not be happier ever than he was now.

"How are your new presents Margaretha?" cooed Inej, stroking the young girl's hair. Kaz had just returned a few days ago with those presents, from a business trip. Kaz had told also told Inej that she was a host for Death, and Inej assured him it was probably just Death messing with him. Kaz was still on edge though, even after three or so months. The sun shone down brightly in the new spring, and the crisp scent of new life filled him. Margaretha looked up smiling.

"Yeth." Her lisp had stayed with her, and Kaz knew Inej was insistent on strengthening her speech through practices. Kaz put an arm around Inej's shoulders and she leaned back.

"When do you have to go out again?" she asked, looking up at him sadly. Kaz looked out over his land, where people worked. He and Inej had started a successful farm and legal business. It turns ou Kaz was great at finding loopholes. They lived a comfortable life, something he was glad for. Kaz was glad he could provide easily for Inej, Margaretha, Florence the nanny, and their coming child. 

"In a week.  I'm going up to Ketterdam for a legal project." Inej jerked forwards, turning to look at him, a scared look in her eyes.

"Kaz.  What are you thinking?  Anyone could recognize you in Ketterdam!" Inej argued.  Kaz rolled his eyes, pulling her back to him.

"That's why I'm having Saoirse tailor me."  Inej glared up at him.

"Even if she tailors you someone could recognize your walk, or your voice."

"Please-Inej.  Don't worry about me.  I'll be fine.  I've survived this long."

"You died," Inej pointed out flatly, "So don't talk to me about 'surviving'."  Kaz kissed the tip of her head, and he wanted to laugh at her over protectiveness.

"I promise I won't get hurt."

(The day Kaz is leaving)

Kaz clomped down the stairs, he had just come from saying goodbye to Margaretha.  Inej waited by the door, a solemn look on her face.  Kaz went to her side.

"If anything bad happens to you I'm making you sleep on the couch," Inej mumbled into his neck as they hugged.  Kaz chuckled holding her tighter.

"Thank you for the motivation not to get hurt."

"We're planning on getting hurt?"  Inej asked, and Kaz just laughed quietly again.

"Don't get hurt," Inej pleaded, pulling away and taking his face in her hands.

"I'll try not to."  Kaz smiled down at her and Inez stood ok her tiptoes, kissing him, wrapping her arms around his neck.  Kaz kissed her back, but pulled away after a moment.

"Have to go now.  Remember, don't let any strangers in and if you need me send word immediately."  It was Inej's turn to laugh.

"I'll be fine Kaz.  I know my way around a dangerous situation."  Kaz nodded, but pressed something cold into her hand. A gun.

"Just in case."  He kissed her one last time before heading out, lugging his briefcase and suitcase out the door. 

"I love you," Inej called behind him.  Kaz turned around.

"I love you too."

Hey guys!  So this was just a small thing before school, hope you enjoyed!  Please pardon any mistakes.  Vote, and comment!


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