A Boring Day

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Thought that you'd be here by now– Avril Lavigne, I'm With You

(Kaz, in his room)

Kaz paced back and forth, a biting wind swirling into the room, nipping at him.  He'd left the window open, and hd been occupied for the better part of two hours just bird watching, or spying on the walkers.  Now he was pacing in the small space, going stir crazy.

"Sure, stay in the room!" he muttered to himself, "Easy to say if you're not the one doing it."  He scrubbed at his face, still not all that used to the feel of soft fingers sliding down his cheeks.  It had been months, yet he was still not used to it–fully at least.  Inej's fingers on the other hand... He shuddered at the thought of those teasing fingers, marking him down his back, pulling on his hair.  Kaz stopped that train of thought.  He needed to remind himself that they were friends before their love.  He didn't love her for what she did to him, but for who she was.  Kaz looked back out the window, at the grey clouds rolling in from the east.  I hope she gets home soon, Kaz thought, looking down at the street for any sign of the Wraith.

"What's taking so long?" he murmured, skimming a hand through his hair and turning away from the window.  His bedroom was in a disheveled state, the basin needing to be filled, the desk organized, the bed made–except, he didn't need to organize the desk, because he was no longer the leader of the Dregs.  Who is the leader?  He thought to himself, making a mental note to ask Inej.  Kaz sat down on the bed, watching small flurries of snow drift in.  As if riding the snow, a crow came crashing in.  Kaz watched it hit the ground with a hollow thud, and attempt to flap its wings and fly, before he reached over, picking it up from by his feet.  The crow squealed, as if trying to tell him something.

"Hold on," Kaz said, examining it.  It's left wing and right foot were tangled in... it looked like fishing line or netting.  Probably a child's work as it was woven tight, wrapped and knotted meticulously.

"Some skiv's idea of fun.  Don't worry, I'll have you out soon."  Kaz fought against the crow for a few long minutes before finally untying it.  The crow flapped madly away from him and out the window.  Kaz shook his head at the netting, throwing it in his waste basket.  Kaz limped over to his desk, leg aching from being still so long.  He rifled through the desk until finding where he'd put the hidden drawer.  He had no idea how he'd forgotten where he had put it.  Kaz pulled out a small box, a black velvet box, and popped open the lid.

An engagement ring glowed up at him.

It was a silver band with a sapphire in the center, studded on the outside with tiny diamond shards.  He had wanted to put it on her finger the first day she got back from the sea, but many things had prevented him from doing so.  With her carrying his child he was more eager to than ever.  He safely put the box away, and went to the bed with a book to wait for Inej.

(Around six at night)

Kaz was about ready to jump out of the window just for something to do before Inej came in, shutting the door quietly.  Kaz looked up from looking down at the people, schooling his face into one of indifference to her presence.

"Hello, wraith."

"Hey," she groaned, flopping face down onto the bed.  Kaz didn't move over to her, even though he was dying to, to hold her and make sure nothing had happened to her.  He looked back out the window, up at the window.

"So, I guess you and Nina had fun."  A snort.

"If you call seeing your casket empty and reminiscing about you and talking about the baby a good day, then sure," she mumbled around the pillow.  Kaz looked once again at her, scanning her quickly.  Nothing seemed to be wrong.

"What's exactly troubling you then."  He could tell something was wrong, the way her shoulders were tensed and she still hadn't flipped over, to scan him.  To question him about what he did, if someone came looking.

"Nothing is wrong."

"I don't want your lies," he growled.  Inej lifted her head, looking at him.

"Nina seemed upset that I'm with child.  I thought she would be happy for me.  She also looked guilty all day.  She says nothing is wrong though."  Kaz shrugged, coming over to her finally and sitting down by her feet, slipping off her boots, then her socks.

"maybe Nina was upset you would have something to remember me by, but she has nothing to remember Matthias."  Inej let out a contented sigh as he massaged her feet.

"I guess."  Kaz would normally never do this, but it seemed like the thing a normal partner would do.  

"What did you do?  Nothing stupid or dangerous right?" she asked, and Kaz replied simply,

"Almost killed myself just for some action."  Inej threw a short glare over her shoulder.  Obviously not something she wanted him to joke about.  Kaz smirked, even though she couldn't see him.  

"I see you still worry about me.  Even when I'm stuck in my room."

"I'm not worried."  He laughed shortly.

"Right."  Kaz let go of her feet and she rolled over, sitting up and holding her knees, and looking t Kaz.

"Have you been thinking about names?"

"For?"  She raised a brow.

"Our child?"  Kaz gave a small smile at that, our child.  He was going to be a father, but with Inej as his partner, if she would have him.

"No. I have been thinking about our move to Lij, I was thinking we could leave in tomorrow."

"Tomorrow!  How would I tell everyone!"  Kaz shrugged.

"Not my problem.  I'm dead."  Inej rolled her eyes.

"I'll just have to leave tomorrow morning early and go say good bye to everyone.  Saints, they're all going to be dramatic."  Kaz nodded.

"Oh!  That reminds me.  I was thinking, maybe we should take Margaretha with us."  Kaz's smile faded at Inej's suggestion.

"Why?  She has a good life with Jesper and Wylan," Kaz argued.

"You should have seen her today.  The child is grieving, for you."  Kaz shrugged.

"She's not our problem."

"I thought you loved her," Inej challenged.

"Do I detect a hint of jealousy?"

"No, idiot.  I just think she needs a mother figure, and she loves you and likes me well enough.  Please Kaz?"  Kaz looked at Inej.

"She would be a good playmate for our child..." Kaz admitted.  Inej nodded vigorously, coaxing him on like she would a small child and he scowled.


"But–" Inej's pleading eyes made him stop.  Even though he wanted her all to himself, he could stomach having the child around.  Sharing his Inej.  He would have to at some point anyways.

"Fine.  But she's your problem, not mine."  Inej smiled broadly, leaning forwards and wrapping her arms around his neck, kissing him.  When she pulled away, her eyes bright, Kaz felt like the luckiest man in the world.

Hey guys!  So a bit of a longer chapter, sorry I haven't been updating recently!  Hope this chapter was good!  Sorry it's still not to long, I thought this was a good place to stop.  Please pardon any mistakes.  I can't wait for your comments and votes!


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