The crying of crows

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In the darkness, the trees are full of starlight, and all I see is him and me forever and forever– Eponine, On My Own, Les Miserables

(At the docks)

Inej changed into black pants and boots and an oversized black shirt that she had no idea where it was from. She braided her hair back and washed her mouth, and packed her meager belongings. She left her room and took the stairs two at a time down to the main level of the Slat, and then she bounded out of the room and into the cold, misty morning. She raced down the slick streets towards the docks. She couldn't wait to see her beloved ship. She felt the joy and anticipation like a child getting their first chance to walk across a tight rope, and the anxiety of the ocean like almost falling off fifty or so feet in the air. She made it down to the docks after a few minutes, and saw her ship, her baby. And then there was Kaz, leaning against his cane, waiting for her. She rushed down to the berth the Wraith was at. She slowed down as she neared and looked at Kaz, her face lit with happiness.

"How long have you been waiting?"

"Not long." She nodded, and saw her friends coming down the stretch of the dock. She saw her crew and someone waved to her. Raoul. She waved back. Kaz was silent as Inej greeted their other friends. Nina hugged her fiercely and Inej hugged her back with the same strength.

"I'll mis you Inej."

"I'll miss you too," she whispered in her ear. Nina squeezed her one last time before letting her go. She hugged Wylan next, quickly, and then Jesper.

"Don't get down with anyone else while you're gone. Or else all of Ketterdam is damned to be destroyed by Kaz," he chuckled quietly into her ear.

"Of course not!" she exclaimed. Then it came time to part with Kaz. A voice in the back of her mind told her something was going to happen, but she ignored it. She hugged him tightly, burying her face in his neck.

"Good-bye Kaz."

"Good-bye Inej," he rasped, the burr in his voice great. She pulled away and smiled at him, trying to be strong. His face showed no emotion, and she turned away. She repositioned her bag on her shoulder and walked up the plank of wood to the deck of her ship. Her crew shook her hands and she passed her bag to Ed, and told him to put it in her cabin. She told them to raise the plank and they did.

"Let's sail out, boys!" she yelled, keeping her eyes on her friend. Suddenly a legion of crows flew out into the open skies, their caws sad and melancholy. She looked down at Kaz, she still had time.

"Morgan, lower a rope for me, boys take in the sails a bit!" she yelled, then she got up on the railing and jumped, somersaulting through the air, landing on her feet on the dock. She didn't bother to look at anyone, she just stood on her tiptoes, grabbing Kaz's shoulders, and kissed him. She pulled away quickly.

"I love you, don't forget that." Then she was gone, a silent shadow on the waves as she grabbed the rope and scaled it, jumping back into her ship. She waved good-bye one last time, the crows still crying out to her, and she knew it was Kaz's way of telling her another reason to stay, he wasn't the only one that would miss her dearly. And these were like his cries. She turned away before they could see her tears fall.

(An hour later, well into the ocean on a good, strong wind. Unpacking in her cabin)

Inej opened up her bag, and on top was a small box and a note. She grabbed them and sat down on her bed, already knowing who it was from. She carefully opened the envelope, then unfolded the letter. Out fell a powdered version of the chocolate drink, she just had to mix it with warm water, she read on its back. Then she read the note.

I'm not good at being sentimental or writing down my thoughts. But I'll try, for you. Inej, I'm going to miss you more than you know. It's like my gloves, they're useless if one glove is missing i's match. I love you, and I'm already counting down the days till your return.


Inej wanted to cry, her heart was already pulling her back towards him. The heart is an arrow, it demands aim to land true. Her father's wise words rang in her mind, but this was her calling. She would see Kaz again. She opened the box, a simple brown one. In it was a necklace, a silver chain necklace with an obsidian crow's wing hanging down from it, only about an inch big. She examined it, on the back was one word. KAZ. So she would remember him. She didn't know she was crying until she saw water drops on the piece of paper. Again, that sense that something bad was going to happen came back. But she shook it off. Kaz was stronger than this, so she would be too. She clasped the necklace around her neck and thought to herself, I bet he's already plotting the next person he'll get revenge on, or a way to make more money.

Hello peeps! Hope you liked it, I know, not very feelsy, but oh well, I try. Thank you for reading, please pardon any spelling mistakes. Sorry, not the longest chapter. Please, please comment!


P.S. I just want to thank @wildwolf65 for helping me toss around ideas and help me get a good idea for what's going to happen next!

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