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Starts with goodbye- Carrie Underwood, Starts With Goodbye

(The day before they leave)

Inej knocked on Jesper and Wylan's door, taking in a shuddering breath.  A quick in and out was her plan.  Wylan opened the door, Jesper behind him.  Inej hurriedly said,

"I'm moving down to Lij.  I'm leaving soon, goodbye."  Wylan and Jesper stared at her and then Jesper moved forwards, hugging her.

"We'll miss you."  Wylan hugged  her too and Inej added on,

"I was wondering if I could take Margaretha with me.  I know she's your sister Wylan, but I think she needs a mother figure and with you two starting out it might be hard to focus all your energy on her."  Wylan and Jesper looked at each other and Jesper whispered something in Wylan's ear.  Inej shifted from foot to foot, knowing this was a stretch.  Finally, Wylan replied,

"You can have her." Inej let out a breath.

"Thank you.  I'll be back in an hour to pick her up."  Then she was gone.  Inej was a spirit moving through the city, and soon she was at Nina's house.  Inej knocked on the door and no one answered.  She rang the doorbell, but still, no one answered.  Inej took out her lock picks and picked the lock, slipping into the comfortable townhouse.

"Nina?" she called out.

"Inej?  I'm in the kitchen."  Inej moved into the kitchen, seeing Nina sitting in a chair.  Inej sat down next to her and Nina asked,

"When are you leaving?"  Inej gave her a surprised look.

"How'd you know I was leaving."  Nina shrugged, sipping on a bottle of wine.

"It was only a matter of time."  Inej got up.

"Well, goodbye Nina."  Nina stood up and hugged her friend.

"Promise you'll visit," she said, and Inej nodded.  

"We'll still be best friends Nina.  Don't worry.  Nothing has changed."  Nina pulled away.

"So much has changed 'Nej.  You're moving and going to be a mother, and Kaz is dead."  Inej forced herself to look sad.  Nina leaned forwards, kissing her forehead.

"Be safe in Lij Inej.  If you ever need anything, I'll be here."  Inej gulped, nodding.  Nina led her to the door and as the door closed Inej could have sworn she saw guilt in Nina's eyes.  Inej stopped the door from closing.

"Is everything okay Nina?  Is there something you want to tell me?"  Nina shook her head.

"I'm so sorry."  That was all she said before closing the door fully.  Inej stared at the door, bewildered.  What was Nina sorry about?  Shaking her head she headed to the docks to secure a boat to Lij, pondering those three words.

Hey guys!  So I know this is bad and short and ugh, just awful.  Forgive me.  I'm experiencing writer's block currently but felt that I should get another chapter out.  I promise the next chapter will be longer!  Please pardon any mistakes, and vote.  Also, COMMENT!


P.S.  What do you think Nina is sorry about/ guilty of??

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