The Game of Death is in a Crow's Blood

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The past can hurt, we can either run from it or learn from it– The Lion King

I'll tell you a secret...The really bad monsters never look like monsters– Kaz Brekker, Crooked Kingdom

(Kaz, in his torture place)

The punishments changed randomly. Sometimes he'd be on the Ferolind, denying Inej's attempts to get closer to him, sometimes he'd be back in the sea with all the bodies, etc. Right now, he was lying in darkness, water lapping at his sides, soaking into his clothes. The water was freezing, and the moon glared down at him. He lay looking up at the stars, which were now like mocking smiles, teasing him for his stupidity of just lying there. But he had nothing to fear, for he couldn't not die again. Or could he? He finally flipped over in the water, submerging his face. He floated their for a few moments, but his lungs needed air so he pulled his face up, only to be greeted by the smiling of a rotting corpse. Kaz surged backwards, and bumped into another corpse. He started freaking out, it was all coming back. The corpses rose out of the water, their rotten black skin peeling back, their molded green teeth falling out of their mouths, some dropping on Kaz. They circled around him, their ragged clothing dripping water. Kaz closed his eyes.

"It's not real, it's not real, it's not real..." he chanted to himself.

"Little brother, take my hand," laughed a voice. Kaz opened his eyes, and stared into the dead black eyes of Jordie. His skin was peeling off on his face, and he had large black boils all over, his hair plastered to his head with water, blood spilling from his nostrils. He held out a hand, and Kaz backed up.

"Come on, take my hand Kaz! I want to go home!" huffed the older boy. And that's when Kaz realized what was going on. Death knew he was afraid of this moment, especially seeing his dead brother, covered in large boils, but Kaz Brekker could win any game, and he was not afraid. This was his brother, Jordie Rietveld, and he was Kaz Rietveld. But he couldn't be him in this moment, he had to be the bastard he really was. So he swam forward, grasping his brother's hand. In that moment he was back in Lij, sitting under a tree with Jordie, telling jokes and eating apples. But in the next moment, he was underwater. Jordie was dragging him under. Kaz didn't struggle though, he let the dying boy drag him down, down, Kaz shut his eyes. And only when he could no longer hold his breath, did Kaz open his mouth and let the water rush in.

Instead of choking him, it tasted like a crisp drink at Wylan's, and so he opened his eyes. He was at Wylan's, a brandy in his hand. Inej was there at his side, and Nina, Wylan, and Jesper sat across from them. Kaz put an arm around Inej and she shivered, so he took it back. Why did everyone look so upset, what was wrong.

"Inej, what's–" he said, but then stopped, she didn't even look at him, no one did. Wylan was telling her something, and she covered her face, crying. Nina came around and sat right in the chair he was sitting in. Kaz watched her sit right on him, but she didn't even feel him. He got up, and looked around. Nina hugged Inej, talking to her. Inej hugged her back, her body shaking with sobs. Kaz felt helpless, what was going on? Why couldn't they see him?

"Because you no longer are alive, you're a part of my kingdom now. Accept it, you will never see any of them again," a blunt voice answered. Kaz saw a smirking man watching him from a corner. He was a muscular man with shaggy white blonde hair, deathly pale skin, and a robe of what seemed to be shadows. The thing that Kaz's attention were his eyes. They were like swirling pools of all the darkness in the world, they were soulless. He stared at Kaz, and Kaz just stared back blankly at him.

"Why would you bring me here?"

"To show you how you failed them, how you failed me," hissed the man. Kaz narrowed his eyes at the man, cocking his head.

"How did I fail you?" Death, for he was sure that was who the man was. Death disappeared, then reappeared by his side. But he looked different.

"Remember me?" he drawled.

"Rollins?" Kaz's eyes widened. What was going on here?

"I have taken different forms over the years, but honestly, this man has been one of my favorites. You failed me by not kiling him. Ever. I mean, you couldn't have really killed him, but to the living, I would have looked dead. And oh!" Death cut off to giggle madly. Kaz's mouth opened slightly. That giggle, it was so familiar.

"Oh, it would have been nice to see one of my best prodigies become so powerful. But I got bored of Pekka, so now he's possessed by one of my henchmen, he should die in a few days or so," Death rambled. Kaz drew himself up to speak, but Death chuckled,

"You can only imagine my surprise to figure out that your Wraith–"

"She's not mine. I don't own her," snapped Kaz.

"Especially not now. It seems to be that she is carrying a man's child. Sadly, I don't know who's, or else what a good torture I could conjure up!" giggled the man. Kaz couldn't take it, rage bubbled up in him. Inej seemed to have gotten over her phobia quick enough... unless...A smirk grew on Kaz's face.

"What? What is it?" Kaz shook his head, laughing. He heard a pop, and looked down, still laughing. Margaretha was there, tugging on his pant leg.

"Montah, pweas tell me," she frowned. Kaz just smacked her away, drying his eyes. How could he have been so foolish? Death emerged out of shadows in front of him.

"So Margaretha was your other form?" Death shrugged.

"Occasionally. I just like to possess her, but she's not one of my forms." Kaz nodded.

"So, now what are you going to do with me?" Death smirked.

"Say good-bye, it's back to Hell with you." Kaz went over to Inej and leaned down, brushing a kiss across her cheek. Inej placed a hand on her cheek, looking around. He smiled.

"I love you," she whispered to nothing, and everyone looked at her like she was crazy. Kaz turned away, the words settling on his heart. She loved him. He could be strong knowing she did. So he would be strong. Kaz turned back to Death.

"Do what you will with me, I'm not afraid." Death nodded.

"Most of them say that."

Hey peeps! So I know that this chapter wasn't very good, I'll try to do better. Please pardon any spelling mistakes, and yeah, just forgive me for the bad writing. Anyway, thanks so much for voting and reading and commenting. Please keep doing all that, but don't forget especially to vote and comment!


P.S.  I'm sorry the chapter title isn't very good at matching the story and stuff.

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