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The rest of the world falls away- Only Us, Dear Evan Hansen

(Back at the farmhouse)

Inej was tired, more tired than she had been in a long time. So tired it ached in her bones and made each step a struggle. Kaz, on the other hand, seemed awake and alive. As they entered the house he went over to the couch Margaretha had been laying on and picked her up swiftly. 'Wait here' was all he said before disappearing up a flight of stairs. Inej waited, refusing to sit down or else she would not be able to get up again. The night was a soft kiss through the open windows, same with the darkness. It was dark in the house, the moon the only light, and Inej reminded herself to look for candles tomorrow.

Inej felt Kaz coming down before she heard him. He was by her side in moments, wrapping an arm around her waist.

"Come on, I'll take you to our room." Our room. Not hers, but their's. She leaned heavily against Kaz, and in a fluid motion he had scooped her up bridal style. Inej opened her mouth to protest but it took to much energy. Kaz strode down a hall behind the stairs and into a room. She heard him throw back the covers and vaguely remembered him pulling off her shoes and tucking her in with extreme gentleness. He kissed her brow.

"Night Inej." Inej closed her eyes, letting the blankets swallow her and welcoming sleep.

(The next morning)

Inej woke to the smell of food. Delicious, satisfying food. Throwing back the covers and rolling out of bed she walked to the door. Half asleep and letting her nose guide her, she ended up in the kitchen. Kaz was there with Margaretha, making... waffles! Inej went over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, leaning her head on his back.

"Morning Wraith," Kaz said.

"Mmm," Inej replied, releasing him. Kaz turned, looking her over.

"Did you sleep well?" Inej nodded.

"Like an old person." Kaz smiled.

"I thought the expression was like a babe." Inej frowned.

"Babies never sleep though." Kaz shook his head at her logic and put the waffles he'd made on a plate. Taking them over to the table along with syrup the threesome sat down. As Kaz passed out the food and Margaretha dug in messily, Inej realized something.

"Wait, how long ago was this house cleaned? And where did you get the food?" Kaz slowly chewed his waffle and swallowed, replying simply,

"I sent a note by a crow to the people who kept this house clean and running for me before I died and said I wanted it cleaned one more time, with new mattresses, blankets, and to stock the pantries." Inej gasped.

"So they know you're alive?"

"No, obviously not. How stupid do you think I am? I put it under your name." Inej let out a breath and with that being enough for her she ate. Inej was embarrassed to ask for thirds, but no longer was she feeding only herself. Kaz said nothing and just passed her more waffles. Inej took a long swig from her orange juice and wiped her mouth with a napkin, then she cleaned up Margaretha's face.

"Inej isn't there something you wanted to tell me," Kaz stated as they started to clear the table. Inej nodded, a knot forming in her stomach.

"Margaretha, go into the living room and play," she instructed the young girl, who happily toddled away into the living room. Inej looked back to Kaz, washing off a plate and taking longer than she should have to reply. Kaz soft fingers brushed hers as she handed him a dish to dry and electricity shot up her arm. Inej let out a shaky breath. How to tell him. How should she phrase what was coming?

"Kaz, do you remember the night you came back?"

"Of course."

"Well, I had been drinking before that. With Pekka Rollins." The last part made her cringe, she hadn't needed to tell him that. Kaz froze, turning to her.


"He came in to taunt me and I–I gave in to his teasing and started drinking and... it wasn't good. That's beside the point though. Yesterday, after you hit me–" Kaz winced, his eyes flashing– "I went to see a doctor about the baby. He said," Inej took in a shaky breath, and felt a lump forming in her throat.

"He asked if I'd been drinking and I told him yes. The doctor said that because they're young and I drank so much the baby could be dead." Once it was off her chest Inej felt good, no secrets between them. Kaz took a step towards her, and Inej looked up at him, tears sliding down her cheeks. She didn't want her baby to die. Kaz took her in his arms, hugging her tight.

"Inej, our baby will be fine." Inej pursed her lips to keep a sob back.

"But what if I killed our baby?" she asked in a wobbly voice. Kaz stroked her hair, and murmured,

"Don't worry Inej. Don't think about it. Everything will be fine." Inej buried her face in his chest and Kaz kissed the top of her head.

(Two hours later)

Inej was playing with Margaretha when Kaz came in, a triumphant look on his face.

"I found it!" he declared. Inej looked up at him, a question lighting her brown eyes. Kaz sat down next to her and showed her a book.

"What is that?"

"My mother's journal." Inej ran her fingers over the cracked leather cover.

"How old is it?" Kaz opened the cover.

"It says she's ten. So twenty-seven years old." Inej nodded, his mom had been a young mother, like her. Kaz snapped closed the book, declaring,

"We can look at it later. For now, I'm going to hang out with you guys." Inej nodded, going back to paying with Margaretha, Kaz by her side. Kaz wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she looked up at him, kissing him softly. As she did an odd feeling bloomed inside her. Home. She felt as if she had finally found her home. Here, with Kaz and Margaretha. Snuggled deep within Lij, away from their past and only a bright future ahead of them.

Hola amigos! How are y'all doing? This was around 1,000 words, so a bit longer. Though it was awful. I'm sorry, I'm still going through a bit of writer's block on how to fill the time until the end, or the next tragic– I mean important– event. Hope you guys are liking this story, if you are, click that little star and comment! Anyways, please pardon any mistakes. Love you guys!


P.S. I know that for Inej's reaction last night the actual thing wasn't too bad. She was tired and has hormones, don't blame me. Blame her. I just want you guys to know that I know it wasn't too big. I promise more is coming!

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